Brandon and Callie

I am the only one that think Brandon and Callie not done yet and that they will hook up by the end of the season?

Told you so


Well I just started watching and still on season one..but from my experience with these types of love interests...they would be end game. Even tho I just started I feel like they will end up together no matter how many times they may break up.


They are definitely going to end up together by the series finale. Why else would the writers keep going back and forth with them over three and a half seasons?

"...some people out there are afraid of what's different..." -Lena Adams Foster


Ya that's what I was thinking too. They don't usually have ppl go back and forth to have them NOT end up together.



God, I hope not. The show needs to move on!




no matter how much I loathe the idea, they are definitely end game for the show and almost every midseason and season finale cliffhanger so far has involved them hooking up. So it's not dead. they hook up for the cliffhangers and then go and meander for the rest of the season.

reply just curious how they would officially end up together..are there parents gonna suddenly be ok with them being together? I can't see that. Unless the adoption was revoked. What i was thinking is if callie became pregnant with Brandon kid. It seems like they slept together awhile ago but the pace this show moves it was probably only maybe 2 months ago. And maybe with everything else they were dealing with she may not have realized she could be pregnant. I honestly thought it would have been brought up by now. Neither of them planned on hooking up i doubt callie had condoms on her since she hasn't been with anyone since liam..and what did brandon just come into her room with a condom expecting to have sex..i doubt it.


It's been 4-5 months since Idyllwild, that was during the summer before they went back to school. The whole house for sale was during the holidays (per a line by the realtor). So while there's a slim possibility, I doubt Callie is pregnant at this point.


They could potentially also end up in legal trouble if she were to get pregnant at this point. Legally they are siblings now. I don't know how that would work if the technical impregnating happened immediately before the adoption or how that would be proven since the time frame is so tight.

Unless they dissolved Callie's adoption I don't know how they can possibly be endgame. If adopted siblings are involved it is legally incest. They can't legally marry or have children (at least not putting Brandon on a birth certificate without possible trouble with the law). The show could have them be together "under the radar" and have Stef and Lena accept their unconventional relationship, possibly under the guise of them realizing their relationship wouldn't have been considered conventional or acceptable not that long ago, but I don't really see that happening.


Naw she's not. she also had sex with Aj


Ya..makes sense.


The problem with Callie and Brandon becoming a couple. Callie is now legally Brandon's brother and always will be. No mater how old they get.
The other thing people forget. Brandon maybe in love with Callie. But each time Callie has sought Brandon's love it has been at a time of crisis.

It is the one thing I found uneasy about the show.
Callie projected that she did not know how to love a family member. But they always had Brandon taking advantage of the moments of weakness. A relationship between these two she would end up hating him.
Even with AJ she did not know how to have a relationship. He was the same way. They needed each other.

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