pull tabs

Tonights show shows pull tabs on a diet drink. They were not marketed until 1962?


Hey Bigrig,

I'm not sure if there were pull tabs yet in 1962. I know most folks in my circle of friends still carried church keys in 1962. Then again, maybe we still had church keys at that time was because so many of the first pull tabs pulled off without opening the top properly?

In any case, I loved 1962... and 1963... and 1961... and 1960... and how could I not mention 1955? If I could be 15 years old again, just let it start in 1955, and you can kind of stop time about 1964.

The only problem with that thought is that I would not have had my daughters and grandchildren. Then there are a few other nice things I would miss. I simply cannot figure my way out of this conundrum, but those teenage 50s and early 60s were great times.

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Hey David,

You can't stop time until 1967, or you would miss a lot of "Combat" episodes. Think how empty your life would be then.

Best wishes,


Hey Clint,

Yep, you're right for sure. These changing times are really getting worse for me. For example, I need to get some new socks, but I am unable to find the kind of socks I have been wearing all my life since I was in grade school. Since that time, I have been wearing what I guess you would call "crew" length socks that come about half the way up your calf, and they were made of soft orlon material that was kind of fuzzy. I used to buy these socks in solid colors including blue, grey, black, brown, tan, and white. Any time I wore jeans, shorts, or other non-dress clothes, I wore the white socks. When dressed in suit and tie, I would wear socks of a matching color. Usually, I would only keep two pair of each colored socks, and they would last a year or two before being replaced. Since I used white sock far more often, I always bought a half dozen pair at a time.

For the past five years, I am no longer able to find these socks at Walmart, Target, and such stores. I still have a half dozen pair of my colored socks for dress, but I am unable to find any new ones. Since I go through white socks far more frequently, I had to start trying other white socks several years ago, and it is getting more frustrating. There are very few white crew socks available today, and the ones they have are made of some material that is so uncomfortable. The older I get, the more sensitive my feet become, and I really want the old type of soft orlon socks. I try buying a bag of Jerzee's and other brands, but none of them are comfortable, and I end up giving them away without using more than one pair.

Today I went to three stores for socks, and there were no old fashioned socks like I prefer. There were an abundance of tube socks, and those little ankle socks. Ankle socks? Ankle socks are for girls! My sons-in-law wear them along with my grandson's, and it shames me to admit this. What happened to men in the last fifty years? Ankle socks? If they wear ankle socks, I suspect they probably also wear those thong underwear things.

Oh yes, there was also a very big selection of black socks. Black socks in ankle length knee length and all different styles. I also bought black crew length socks for wearing when dressed, but as soon as the coat and tie came off, on went my white socks. White socks always felt much better to me. I practically go over the edge when I see guys wearing black socks and wearing shorts. See how far I have been left behind by the times? I may just stop wearing socks altogether and simply wear sandals. Nah, living in the cold of Pennsylvania really does preclude that idea. Give me a church key and soft white socks!

Now, how was that for a rant?

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Man, life really socks . . . er, I mean, sucks.


Hey Clint,

Your're really funny. Ten thousand comedians in this country out of work, and you go around making jokes?

Best wishes,
Dave Wile


Hey David,

I don't know about all those comedians being out of work -- I think they're all working in Washington these days.

Best wishes,


Hey Clint,

You certainly do have that right!

Best wishes,
Dave Wile
