Mom and Son

There's something strange going on there with the mom. I suspect if the son was up for it, she'd F him.

Regarding the son, NO way do I believe he got a 4.8 GPA in high school. No way. And knock it off already with wanting to be the shirtless greeter at The Gap [whatever]. How pathetic.

I would like the film maker to make a film with just mom and son. Set up the camera, let it roll, leave, come back a few hours later. Just let mom and son droll on and on about themselves. Mom/son's ego will be bolstered and we all would be entertained greatly [at their expense, except they wouldn't realize it].


My thoughts, exactly! So glad that I am not the only one who thought this. That woman seriously had a thing for her son.

Be the type of person you want to meet


Yes. Wayyyyy too weird. A&F told him to cut a little belly fat and he could have the job. Easy, esp for an athlete. Then his mom could shop there so she could drool all over his 8-pack.

"Leave the gun. Take the canolis."



I was grossed out by her too. She seemed obsessed with and attracted to him. His goal of being a topless greeter seemed pretty weak. Almost made it seem like a parody.


LMAO. I couldn't agree more.
