MovieChat Forums > Il giovane Montalbano (2012) Discussion > 'Mortally Wounded': computers...?

'Mortally Wounded': computers...?

In 'Mortally Wounded', when Salvo and Mimi are discussing the referendum notes, they suggest that (a) someone with a computer could have printed the notes and (b) that young men spend all their time on computers.

But surely YM must be set at least ten years before the original series, which first aired in 1999? (The books are presumably set even earlier.) The writing seen on the notes is in the modern, print-ready style, not the dot matrix style of the late eighties, and kids spending all day on computers in that period? Not that I remember. In fact, one of the background stories of the original series was the introduction of computers at the Vigata station, and how no one except Catarella showed any understanding or aptitude for the new technology.

I think someone forgot which version of the show they were writing for...

"Duck, I says..."


I am in agreement with you, they seem to have a time machine, anachronisms abound. Love the show , it's all very beautiful and light from the point of view of cold autumn evenings in North of England. I wonder when is the Middle aged Inspector Montalbano returning?


It's back on Saturday at 9 pm on BBC 4.

~We gladly feast on those who would subdue us~


Thanks for that... Great stuff.

They may have mentioned it at the end of last week's episode.
My TIVO box on Virgin failed,. I was watching the show about five minutes behind and the programme suddenly ended. I had to go to BBC iPlayer and scroll through to watch the ending.

BBC 4 are very low key about promoting these programmes, I should not complain as I rarely watch anything that has been advertised to within an inch of its life before the event. But I missed the first series of 'Montalbano'.

I read somewhere that Livia ... ( I don't think I saw her at all in series 2 ) ... is played by a Scandinavian girl and looks younger than the recent Livia....They are all so beautiful I don't really mind.


Printers weren't all dot matrix in the good old days, they even had those new-fangled modern daisywheel contraptions. Even I had one of those :p
In fact, some of the dot matrix printers threw out high quality print, depending on the dpi, and how much you were prepared to pay.


I believe it takes place in 1990. Having been in IT since the early 80's, I don't know that I see anything computer-ish that is phenomenally WRONG. We had laser jet printers in the mid-80's. I had my first IBM desktop PC before that. There was already a very hefty "geek" thing going on with young men in the late 70's.

Nothing here super unbelievable.

I can't speak for the clothing, though.

“If you want a happy ending, that depends, of course, on where you stop your story.”
Orson Welles
