MovieChat Forums > Wadjda (2013) Discussion > [Spoiler Alert ] Can someone help me fin...

[Spoiler Alert ] Can someone help me find out what I missed?

What happened between the public shaming of the girls and Wadjda looking at the names on her family tree?



The two girls who were publicly shamed were the models that the other girls in the school should not emulate. There is a huge backlash about showing affection to one another -- no flowers, no admiring letters, no holding hands. That episode suggests that any overt or covert display of affection is discouraged, most likely from a fear that it might be a precursor to lesbian relationship -- which is rampant in most exclusive-girls schools.

Personally I don't think the two girls are intimately involved in a Sapphic relationship, but the strict policing wanted to make sure whatever it is that is suspected should be nipped at the bud.

I love the scene of the family tree of Wadjda's father. The marginal status accorded to women means there is no mention of spouses in the family tree, much less a female child. So Wadjda decided to "correct" that by putting her name after her dad's side of the tree. That she later found that her name was taken off from the tree is a foreshadowing that her dad will leave her and her mom for another spouse.


Thank you very much.
I was just wondering what happened between Wadjda and little boy (forgot his name) between that period? Basically I missed a few minutes (the time in the movie between the scenes I said). I understand the scenes, I just missed a part of the movie to walk out. No one else seems to have seen it, if you could let me know, that would be awesome! :)


...don't recall the exact chronology, but Wadjda allows Abdullah (the boy) to sneak up to the roof to hang lights while she practices on his bicycle.


This is my recollection as well. They are briefly estranged when the Mother finds them on the roof and sees Wadjda training (and falling) on Abeer's bike. The Mother yells at the boy and he runs away, but he and Wadjda are not apart for long.


...don't recall the exact chronology, but Wadjda allows Abdullah (the boy) to sneak up to the roof to hang lights while she practices on his bicycle.
