
So, do we think he was having sex with the nuns? The only real evidence is Alina's accusations which could be made up since she didn't like him turning her friend to religion (and harming their relationship). There's also kind of early on where one of the nuns puts their head in his lap.

Just curious if anyone had any further evidence from the movie to support that.


"Weirdness was all he cared about. Weirdness and sex and plenty to drink."


I don't believe he would do that. Seems like there are several types of religious nutcases- Including ones who take sin and God, very, very seriously. And his notion of God was an angry, punishing, God. A God who is thirsty for revenge and keen on payback when you sin and violate His rules.

Instead of not having sex with the young Nuns because it is immoral, (he was married, in a position of power over them), and the wrong thing to do, I believe he would dare not have sex with them, out of total fear that a wrathful God would 'strike him down.'
