A film for adults

This is a great film and Cristian Mungiu is a great filmmaker. The horrors of the orphanage and the illegal immigrant life in Germany were suggested brilliantly and economically without showing them - a great piece of writing. The central message, in my view, is that there are millions of people out there who need help, but often no-one to help them except the church, which may be worse than nothing. CM really made me care about those two girls, even though I didn't like them much - that's a really hard thing to do.

No man will marry a bilakoro


Nice post.


The central message, in my view, is that there are millions of people out there who need help, but often no-one to help them except the church, which may be worse than nothing.

You are correct regarding the Church being worse than nothing for help in terms of morality. Though the central message in my opinion was not about those who needed help, but rather those who struggle with their guilt. There are indications that the two protagonists had a sexual history together before Voichita joined the convent. Voichita felt guilt over her sexual identity whereas Alina was the opposite, attempting to free Voichita and led a more open life.

I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not.


"Alina was the opposite, attempting to free Voichita and led a more open life."

Modern, Feminist, Lesbian, LGBQT-friendly, person, meets '19th century style,' Patriarchal, Romanian Church. The outcome was tragic, yet somewhat predictable.


Churches have operated hospitals and asylums, what has happened is all the money from society is drained through taxes to state institutions and there is nothing left for services since everyone involved thinks they deserve to become millionaires
