Wake up people....

While I do agree that the is the life these celebrities chose..wanting to be famous, having EVERYONE know who they are, have their picture taken in exchange for Millions of dollar....I do agree with Jennifer Garner that when it comes to invading their family lives is where the line should be drawn. Their children did not choose this. And they should not be subjected to stalkerazzi. What is interesting is the idea of WHEN did we as a people become OBSESSED with celebrities lives. The movie made a great point that people like Napolean Bonapart and Einstein were famous but in different ways. For what they did, not who they are. Poor Princess Diana was killed just for being because of the paparazzi obsession with her. Shouldn't we as a people want to look up to them, and not the Kardashians or reality TV casts. If we didn't pay attention to them, to would go away. It's also interesting to look at older generations of actors like Kurt Douglas or Tom Hanks. You never see anything about them unless it's totally outrageous.

Maybe because I live in NYC and you'll be out and about and see celebrities just doing everyday things, you don't want to bother them when they are just trying to get a sandwich or walk their dog. I'll be like "Wow, thats Micheal Cera getting some coffee". Or the time I was at the grocery store across from my house and they were filming Spider Man and there is Andrew Garfield...but i don't even WANT to approach them, it feels creepy.

Then again I don't even have a face book and my instagram is pics of food and my dog. I Feel like we as a society are loosing the idea of privacy. And I don't see it getting any better.

Sorry for the long post. Just bothers me is all.


What you say is true, but I think the people ending up here are already "awake" to the issue.

This "issue" is like those moving to a new country who then want to "close the door behind them". Life doesn't work that way.

By the way, some celebrities seem to handle it all just fine. They say "here you go, take pictures of us all, then leave us alone". Or they just don't flip out about it. Or they move away from Hollywood & Vine, like Newman did.

All the media noise is really about us, the consumers (or not) of gossip. It is not about the celebrities. They are the one-in-a-million lottery winners, and most would not want to switch lives with someone less-famous-and-less-rich.

We are all treated as property. Bagged and tagged. Irradiated and dosed. Then discarded. With celebrities it is just more visible, and recorded.

A philosopher's goal is to "Play the game but don't be a part".

It was ever thus.
