..fictional crimes against Jews.


I don't know if this was intended to be a joke because I don't get it. The sad truth is, there are people out there who (if the opportunity presents itself) would prey and completely destroy other people for whatever reason. We're all potential victims and no one is safe.

Having said that, I feel I can't comment on this movie righteously until I see it. Do I want to see this? Yes. I'm attracted to despair, filth and darkness. So I will return...once I've seen it.





Spread the word, not the hate, tetsuoriot. Thou speaketh the truth.



Dismiss yourself, tetsuroit ... off the face of the earth. You will never be missed!





Never forget...never forget....never forget. I've heard those words often repeated countless times.

So why are we allowing such atrocities in North Korea right now? Families are rounded up to spend their whole lives in concentration type prison camps. It's a proven fact there is mass executions and thousands (or more) are killed. Some have escaped and described absolutely deplorable sub-human conditions consisting of medieval type torture and mass killings. You live in your filth/excrement and eat rice with maggots...if you're lucky you can catch a rat to eat raw.

BTW...if you're caught doing a "crime," your whole family goes there...parents, children, etc.. even if they had nothing to do with it. Life sentences for all.

Yet we hear "never forget" so often repeated while similar things are going on in the world today. What do we do? Absolutely nothing.

Too bad there isn't more big budget Korean film makers in Hollywood that can put out films showing the atrocities to the world so it gets the attention it deserves.

Read these stories...

But let's keep repeating "Never forget" to make ourselves feel good.
