Screw the other guy

After 4 minutes of this GARBAGE I turned it off - never to watch it again.


The central message of this dog crap is to dishonorably take as much advantage of everybody else as you can.

The "star" of this show would give a child a lollypop in exchange for a 10 million dollar Picasso if he could get away with it.

This show is in the same league with the shows where some scumbag buys a house that is going to fall down on the new owners head in a month while they are asleep - and the guy splashes a bunch of paint on the lemon to hide all the faults and sells the camoflaged piece of junk to some poor unsuspecting victim for twice what the "turnaround" artist paid for it.

This show demonstrates everything that is wrong with America. Don't work for a living. Screw over the other guy and get rich by deceit and trickery and fraud.

Why can't we give shows like this a negative rating?


ya know, it doesn't even really bother me that they "manipulate" people into these trades, what bugges me is the material they're using to supposedly out-wit these people is total *beep* no one would fall for their cheesy attempts at manipulation, this show can't be real, there are not that many stupid people out there who would fall for their lame "mind games" they're clearly scummy untrustworthy guys and i don't buy that people actually buy their crap. They act like they think they're so superior, but i would think most people could see right through them.

she'll come back as fire, burn all the liars, leave a blanket of ash on the ground ~ Kurt Cobain


Aside from the fact I agree this show is fake and badly scripted. I agree with Mr. McIntyre. This show is all about glamourizing screwing people over, and teaching people that being a dishonorable scumbag is a good thing.

I'd love to give this show negative 5 stars
