Spierman has a chubby Asian friend? Oh, okay. The love interest is some random caramel-skinned girl? Okay. FLASH IS MIDDLE EASTERN!?

So painfully obvious.


It was indeed such an obvious and forced PC agenda, they had to pander to the millennials! I liked Tom Holland and Michael Keaton but the rest of the cast was all wrong. I don't mind ethnic people being in the movie (it is New York City after all) but don't take existing characters and change their races just to appeal to all the SJW's!


what bullshit, the millennials are a shitty generation......can´t handle anything, and the race PC crap will hopefully be the death of cinema.
I for one is not paying to see the crap studios put out today.



Agreed with everything you said.

This was the main qualm I had with this movie, not even being acquainted with the comics or cartoons.


It's not "pandering to millennials" it's an attempt at forced diversity to "educate' ie brainwash the millennials. Was there anything wrong with a white MJ? Or white Nick Fury? Or white Heimdall, or white Valkyrie? No, but Hollywood would have you believe there is something with those characters remaining white because these characters' skin color being changed to brown it is somehow better. They are trying to reinforce the sick concept that diversity is better, even if you have to replace whites to do it.


It’s just a movie, relax. You all are acting just as triggered as you imagine millennials would have been had it been made with an all white cast. What would be a valid criticism gets lost in seething hysteria disproportionate with complaints over a silly comic book movie. Toughen up.


It's not just a movie. It's practically every movie. And we tried to just relax an ignore the jackass SJW's and it's becoming clear that he who complains loudest gets what they want. This shit is in every movie now.


So you behave EXACTLY like that which you detest? hate to break it to you, but you and your ilk are the new SJW's. Congratulations! here is your crown, oh triggered ones!



I don’t care if you shut up or not. Keep squawking like a triggered sjw on a comic book movie forum - full of impotent fury that accomplishes nothing. Your complaint- that there aren’t enough faces of appropriate color - and your hysterical reaction to it the exact same as theirs.


Lol. Sjw's ruined movies by bitching and hollywood caved in. It's obvious it's the only thing that gets to them. People are not going to stop watching movies, so complaining is the only option. And Idon't care about the number of faces of appropriate color you colossal douchebag. I care that white characters (and only white characters) are being replaced.



Marvel tried WAY too hard to be politically correct here. I wouldn't be surprised if the race baiting cop hater (Zendaya) had something to do with it too.


^^^ Glad to see the hateful, petty spirit of IMDB lives on!


Glad to see the Hollywood Liberal SJW hypocrisy lives on.



Plus orthodox jew, muslim girl, gay boy in the bleachers. It was actually a case of 'spot the white people'.


I will just let them, the muslims and non white folks pay to go see these movies........they must be the studio's target audience, right? why else suck up to them......well guess what, they won´t pay to see your shit movies.
let´s see how much money the studies will lose in the end with this PC crap.......


you could still watch rise of a nation. you will love it.


Haha! This guy gets it.


The only thing that moron gets is dick from his boyfriend. I'm guessing you're his boyfriend.


I'm a POC and while I didn't have a problem with it, I wasn't particularly impressed with it. Make 'em all white, but have a talented POC writing and directing - that's when you'll have my attention, Hollywood (and it's something you probably would never dare).


Robert Rodriguez could've directed a better Spider-Man movie for sure. And I doubt he would've changed the race of any character. The overt pandering is usually done by guilt-ridden whites to virtue-signal about how "progressive" and "not racist" they want fellow liberals to think they are.


I always thought they virtue signaled because they believed it would actually save them if there ever were a real revolution!


Ugh. Get fucked. As a POC, I keep not wanting this scary dream revolution of the downtrodden with violence and beheadings, but you seem to crave it. Can you fuckers just not be racist? No? Too much?


Calm down, Evil Axis! Think a little before you post. Maybe the comment you're getting your panties all bundled up over was meant to be taken lightly and not meant to cause hypersensitive ninnies to go apoplectic!

Also, stop with the "as a POC" nonsense. We're all human beings. Worrying about the color of your own skin makes you just as racist as people who worry about the color of other peoples' skin.


As a hypersensitive ninny, I admit, I can be humorless at times.


I understand. As an insensitive realist, I also can lose my sense of humor.


And as an old fat white guy, that was the best case of tolerance I've seen. Both admitted their shortcomings and backed down by extending the olive branch.

A lesson on how to live together. I salute the both of you.



JediJones, pretty sure it's more likely done by the studio's marketing department.


I disagree. I don't think the marketing department gets involved in casting decisions.


You may be right, Jedi, and maybe I picked the wrong department at the studio, but I am convinced that the main, if not sole, purpose of a comic book movie is to make money, not art. Based on that conviction, I deduce that there is someone, somewhere, in the chain of a movie's creation who decides what kind of actors, including ethnic background and appearance, will put the most asses in theater seats.


Well, I don't think it is so much about "putting the most asses in theater seats" as it is a question of making sure that there won't be a #SpiderManSoWhite campaign on social media.


The movie is set in New York 2017, not 1962.


Yes, and New York was better in 1962.


Shame you can't go back in time and live there, fossil.


^^^ Someone who has never stepped foot into NYC, let alone outside of his grandmother's basement.


What about 1969?


My problem was Flash should have been a jock and Ned should be Ganke.


Most of the complainers haven't been to New York. Also, when you have been around a diverse crowd all your life, you don't see color like some of you people from white areas do. If some of you complainers ever came to NYC to live, you would have a very hard time adjusting.


The issue is changing the appearance of classic characters. Why wasn't Harry Potter made black? People want to see movies portray characters as they looked in the original material they're adapting. This movie just threw all that away like no other movie has. Aunt May is a dark-haired MILF and Flash, Liz, "MJ" and Shocker were all changed from white into some other race.

So why should any film search the globe for perfect casting like we always heard they did with Superman when people like you are just going to make any excuse for changing a character's appearance? Cut the search short and forget finding the guy who looks exactly like Superman for your movie, just cast a black guy and watch the Rotten Tomatoes score soar and the virtue-signalers in the public lap it up.


Leave it to a silly white new yawka to pat herself on the back simply for being born. Sadly the reality of diversity in ny is whites live in a neighborhood, blacks live in a neighborhood, Asians live in a neighborhood etc... and you better make damn sure you don't get caught being the wrong color in a neighborhood at the wrong time.

I lived in ny for several years and it was a lot of fun but I witnessed more racism and bigotry there than any other place I've been. It's amazing how eager the fools that live there are to show how racist they are and usually at the top of their lungs. Perhaps if you're born there you just get used to all the vitriol and racism. I never got used to it though.


No comment for Jedi and pantiween.


There seem to be plenty of people commenting on them. What would you like for me to say to them?


Ain't that the truth? This is mostly just the "white genocide" crowd hypocritically whining about the usual stuff... PC culture, liberals, millennials, SJWs, Hollywood agenda... they can cry me a river (they're clearly pros at it) like their knucklehead-tantrum-thrower-in-chief! For them straying from the source material only truly aggravates them when they see too much of the "others". But hey, despite the rise in people with their mentality and a extreme right-wing takeover, the world isn't going back to their cherished 1950s.

Diversity for diversity's sake? Oh please. If this movie was set in their rural paradises, then maybe, just maybe they would be on to something. The fact of the matter is this movie's setting reflects our reality, a reality they feel threatened by. And if every other movie out there is REALLY featuring an influx of "people of color" casting out the white ones... then so what! These whiners have nearly a 100 years of cinema where things were more like the way they wanted. Yet, it's worth nothing that their hated Hollywood, a place that unsurprisingly has always attracted performers with open minds, still isn't as liberal as they believe - thanks to the studios heads anyway because they know that the majority in this country comes first. But liberal actors have always been there, and they're part of the reason we're slowly but surely seeing actors of all types getting more chances and I applaud the effort.

In any event, the supporting cast was wonderful.


^^^ Can I buy you a beer?


>Diversity for diversity's sake? Oh please. If this movie was set in their rural paradises, then maybe, just maybe they would be on to something. The fact of the matter is this movie's setting reflects our reality

You're a moron. These aren't original characters that the makers of this movie invented, they are established characters. The setting is irrelevant. This is Flash Thompson, for example:


And this is Liz Allan:


So yes, it is a laughable case of "diversity for diversity's sake", because the blatantly obvious default when casting for the role of an established character is to cast someone who looks like the established character, and race/ethnicity is a fundamental appearance-defining characteristic.

Your SJW-fueled rant is irrelevant by the way, i.e., it is a non sequitur. Idiots are the sole source of non sequiturs of this type, which is what justifies me calling you a moron.


Not only that (great post, btw, DracTarashV2), but Stan Lee approves of the diversity in Homecoming, and said he would've done it in the comics too, but in those early years (1960s), many students were predominantly white.

But since Homecoming takes place in our time with the cell phones and whizz-bang cutting edge technology around the corner, NYC schools would be incredibly diverse.

Also, Liz Allen and Ned look exactly like their cartoon/comic versions. And I thought it was refreshing that they changed Flash Thompson, because honestly, how many times do we have to see him as the buff jock? Why not have him be the rich rival nerd on the science/chess team or something like that instead? Buff jock/cheerleader are old cliches.


They literally changed white characters into non white characters. Of course this was diversity for diversity's sake you moron. And we're not whining, we're raising a serious issue that leftists think it's perfectly fine to replace white people in their storylines. It's reflective of what's happening in society. Forced diversity that is simply causing serious animosity.



I was born in Brooklyn, and I gotta tell you, you're taking the piss.

The simple fact is that NY is more white than anything else, and all this NY is the melting pot is just a pile of bullshit.

The only difference is that NY'ers have learned to get along. They had to- you squeeze that many people into an area the size of the boroughs, they learn, or the joint explodes.



Well its nice to know these people were hired for there Skin Color and not there acting ability. Because without Tom Holland and Micheal Keaton. This movie would be unwatchable. Even those crappy Amazing Spider-man had a better supporting Cast.


Get over it. Such a ridiculous post.


I doubt im going see those kids winning any Oscar soon or see them premiere on Broadway.


When the first one does, I will be sure to rub it in.


Emma Stone was great in the Amazing movies. Practically saved them singlehandedly.


that's not. how a. punctuation mark is supposed. to be. used.
