MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) Discussion > Are imdb ashamed that they are abusing o...

Are imdb ashamed that they are abusing our...

...freedom of speech ?? It's our Internet not the selected few.


No. IMDb is not a free country moldy. Deal with it! 😎

Why are you such a sissy all of the sudden though? All you do is whine like a girl. Its sad.


Closing down boards is not a violation of freedom of speech...


That's what the chosen few want you to think...


Whining about freedom of speech because you're not getting your way is something schoolyard bullies whine about when they get in trouble.


So do you think they will have lots of fart jokes or just a few ??


I would answer, but I feel like your idea of a fart joke is different than mine. You're like a little kid who calls everything he doesn't like "gay", except replace "gay" with "fart".

I mean are you even trying anymore?


You love to have fart sex.


You are so desperate to troll its sad. 




There are a million and one other places you can speak your mind online. IDMb is not preventing you from doing that just because they chose to shut down their message boards.

"All you have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to you." -Gandalf


Till they shut down more boards where the truth is spreading about disneys corruption with spoon-fed movies.


Its amazing how much pride you take in being a complete idiot moldy. 


WTF are you even talking about?

Who is the "they" you are referring to?

Is it IMDB? If so, what other message boards to "they" have the capacity to shut down? Why would they? What's their stake in shutting down another message board?

Is it Disney? If so, why would they care what's regurgitated onto random message boards on the internet that they may or may not have the capacity to shut down? Clearly they're not in a position to be worried. They had the top five highest grossing movies last year and being a business, I'm pretty sure their bottom line is the bottom line for them!

Incidentally, "Freedom of Speech" has nothing (0) to do with an organization shutting down or maintaining their in-house message board.


imdb hasn't been free since the troll bots took it over.


A lot of people like to pretend that they believe in "freedom of speech" when they really only do if they're the ones that are talking or if somebody else is stating something that they agree with.

Its amazing how people hang around message boards of movies they dont like


It's Amazon's decision and as a business they have the freedom to do as they please. If there were less trolls on here, perhaps things will be different. Freedom of speech doesn't mean freedom from responsibility.

Whatever you are, be a good one.


You really are a moron aren't you?
