MovieChat Forums > Sword Art Online (2012) Discussion > amazing concept that starts out brillian...

amazing concept that starts out brilliant and quickly devolves

into typical romantic and dramatic fair.

i was vastly dissapointed by both seasons of this show. they started out getting me so into the world and what was happening only to end things fairly quick and then end with several episodes of drama and bs.

its just such a shame that they could ruin a perfectly good concept like that. whats even more dissapointing is the fact that the second season mirrored the first in terms of plot progression.

not to mention the pervy fanboy service. i typically don't put boy right after fan because thats a bit sexist but in this matter its accurate. okay so cleavage is obviously a common thing in anime but multiple female characters fawning over the lead? an incestuous side-plot? and the lead is indifferent to all of it.

the love between him and asuna begins so pure and awesome as they're both fighters but then they quickly turn her into a damsel in distress and then in season two pretty much disregard her completely for a new female co-lead.

does anyone agree? or disagree? lets discuss this


The season arcs are longer than the original book sets were. Which were very brief indeed.

Personally I'd have liked to have seen more of the side stories done. The set with Argo the Rat, Asuna's sword, etc from the Aincrad arc, or the origin of Tonkii from the Alfheim arc.

As for fanservice. There is actually oddly little of it in the whole series. Just one that I recall, the shower scene. Otherwise everyone keeps their clothes on 95% of the time and even when they briefly disrobed it was still panties and undergarments and not played up as sexual really.

As for Asuna getting sidelined and Kiritos obliviousness. He actually stays very dedicated to Asuna and treats the other female cast as close friends and never takes advantage of that to cheat on Asuna. Which is a-lot more than most of other anime heroes can say.

The shifting focus and the more dedicated to one girl hero through the series is for me a nice change of pace.
