MovieChat Forums > Broadchurch (2013) Discussion > Is 'Mum' a term used for female authorit...

Is 'Mum' a term used for female authority or reserved for royalty?

I'm American... be kind when answering.

...keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race


What? Mum is mom. Ma'am (madam) maybe sounds like mum, but mum is for mothers


You're mishearing "ma'am" (pronounced in some instances like "palm", and used as a term of respect similar to "sir"), as "mum" (a British synonym for the American "Mom", simply meaning "Mother").



I guess I meant "marm", but that is spelled phonetically.

...keeps alive the weak, the stupid, the lazy that breed and multiply, weakening the human race
