MovieChat Forums > 2016: Obama's America (2012) Discussion > Worst piece of trash I've ever seen

Worst piece of trash I've ever seen

I have never regretted spending my money more than I did when I sat down to watch this garbage. Based on some of the reviews and the hullabaloo, I was under the impression that this was a real documentary with insight based on facts. It was the lowest form of propaganda from a real-life Clayton Bixby. I have no idea how someone could mistake this for a serious movie. It scares me that there are some people in this country with IQ low enough to gobble this up.


Somehow, I don't think you actually saw it.

Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff.


lol Would you like me to scan in my ticket stub to you?

So YOU are the one who loves this dreck. I feel sorry for you Mainwaring.


Yes, I would


How about this? How about you ask me something about the film that only someone who saw the film would know?

*If you want to play this dumbed-down game --do you people know any other kind?---bring it...


No, how about you scan the ticket like you said you would. Put the link here.


lol You didn't see the film did you Sammy boy?



Actually a ticket scan does not prove anything....if you think about it.

Are You Watching Closely? You're an idiot.


True. In fact the only proof I need that I saw this film is that I called it trash. That is proof enough.

I am astonished that someone would think this was a good documentary. I honestly don't know what kind of people could think that.


Which is why I think you didn't see it. The only people trashing it are Obama supporters; leftists and Democrats who have no intention of actually spending the money to go see it. So no, I don't think you saw it. I think this is just a fake review put up by an Obama fan to trash it, without ever actually seeing it.

The question shouldn't be how anyone could think this is good; it should be how anyone could think he's done a good job as President.

Here's to the health of Cardinal Puff.


This documentary bills itself as being balanced (a'la Fox News) but if you research the work the two directors did in the past, anyone will realize it's far right propaganda. You want a balanced documentary? Try "No End in Sight," or "Why We Fight," or "Inside Job."

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


I saw it Mainwaring, and I have an above-average IQ. That's how I can say it's trash.

Also, you need to learn comprehension skills. You imply that I think Obama has been a good president. WHERE DID I SAY THIS? I am nowhere near an Obama fan. I feel sorry for you. Your mind is limited to the point that you are not able to think independently of the Black and White, left and right crap the media throws at people like you. It alarms me that people like you actually vote.


Liberals know the content of this film in the same way they know what is on Foxnews or what rush Limbaugh actually says.

They don't! They just lie.

If Obama's own words and experiences are not fair game then what is? What is wrong with interviewing family members in Kenya or people who knew him in Indonesia? No it is not fair and balanced but neither was anything Al Gore did or micheal Moore and they won oscars and even a nobel peace prize for their trash.


"The only people trashing it are Obama supporters; leftists and Democrats who have no intention of actually spending the money to go see it."

The only people like it are Obama haters; right wingers and Republicans who have no intention of actually spending the money to go see it but who are looking for support for their gay bashing, dog abusing cult leader who hides his money in secret swiss bank accounts , outsources jobs and ships our wealthy off shore.

Obama 2012


Obama is a bi-sexual (nothing wrong with that, but he should be honest about it), dog eating cult leader, who's boss George Soros hides his money in Swiss bank accounts. And Obama forces businesses like Gibson Guitars to outsource jobs and ship wealth off shore.

Btw. What is wrong with outsourcing jobs to other countries? Isn't it just a way to help poor countries become more wealthy? And also the dollars those countries make, they can use to buy T-bonds and finance Obama's huge deficits.


Funny Soros isn't supporting Obama , nor is he bi, Gibson wasn't forced to outsource, he wanted illegal slave workers right here in the US and well, noting like Republican treason.

No outsourcing is a way to make you poor because we need someone like you to clean toilets. Of the 14 trillion dollars of debt 10 trillion of it was from you republicans . You ate the dinner and left Obama with the bill! Republican Taliban.


Sounds like another lib/prog.

I might as well enjoy my life and watch the stars play!


I haven't seen it...and won't. All I needed to do was read your statement "The only people trashing it are Obama supporters; leftists and Democrats..." That tells me all I need to know about who made the film (Obama haters, right-wingers, read also: Republicans) and what it has to say about President Obama. I don't believe anything that comes out of their uber-conservative mouths...or the spin they like to put on things. Do I think President Obama has done a good job as President? Yes, I do. He told us up front (and those of us who have common sense already knew) that it would take more than 4 years to fix the economy. Let's be real here - George W. Bush spent EIGHT YEARS *beep* it up. He took the multi-billion dollar budget SURPLUS left to us by Pres Clinton and turned it into a multi-trillion dollar budget DEFICIT. I won't give a single dime of my money to watch & listen to a Republican revisionist history lesson. No thanks.

By the way, let's make a movie called 2016: Romney's America. It would be a HORROR story (for everyone except filty rich white men) about what the country would be like in 2016 if Americans were stupid enough to elect Mitt Romney!


"let's make a movie called 2016: Romney's America"

No need, the first two parts of Atlas Shrugged have been released, and the final chapter is due next year.


It's a pretty bad movie but what do you expect. I downloaded it for free. I wouldn't give money for anything Dinesh D'Souza was even associated with. Like the original post said ... There are no facts but a lot of here-say ... a lot of accusations and a lot of blame ... none that can be backed up. A quick scan of the Internet has all the fact checkers out and it don't look good for Dinesh D'Souza and apparently people saw right through it ... Obama won.

P.S. This guy was married to Ann Coulter ... I guess that says it all.


Can you prove you saw it too?


Who knew David Axelrod had an IMDB account?


Did you see it?


Go and check your facts, Obama hasn't accomplished anything in the last 1.5 years, the first 2.5 years were actually productive... what changed a year and a half ago... hmmm I haven't a clue, well I do but you will deny it has anything to do with the stoppage of the government... I'm sure the chutney swilling idiot that made the film could probably come up with a few invalid conspiracies.

"Do you mind if I name my first child after you? "Dipsh*t Knight" has a nice ring to it."


Bush did damage the country, and that is the precise reason why we needed the NEXT president to be someone who could come in and make things at least a little bit better....

What did the GOP offer as an alternative to Obama? A half-senile man who jumped around like a munchkin ("my friends....") and a regressive, quitting, Christian zealot nutcase. Really the thought of someone like Palin with access to the nuclear codes was terrifying. Many people who voted for Obama did so because the alternative was horrible.

Now had the GOP gotten behind someone like Ron Paul, perhaps the outcome would have been different. But Ron Paul doesn't beat the bomb the Middle East drums. In order to run on the GOP ticket, apparently you must be a chickenhawk.

Romney vs. Obama? Romney may be a better option than McCain but frankly I haven't heard a thing about what Romney will do that differs from the administration that f--ked up the works in the first place: Bush/Cheney. War against Iran? Reason enough to vote for Obama again.

Dude means nice guy. Dude means a regular sort of person.


And the thought of BIDEN having access to such codes makes you sleep easier? Palin is not as nutty as you've been lead to believe.

0bama is just as war-hungry as his predecessor (ramping up Afghanistan, the "liberation" of Libya, meddling in other North African nations, etc.), but we have to realize this is less likely to be his conscious decision than that of his puppeteers and playmakers, the same ones who laid out the path for Bush, Jr to follow.

I'll give you one thing, Ron Paul was definitely the medicine this country needed but too few were smart enough to see it (and his age and sharing of uncommon knowledge turned off the close-minded). Oh well, we'll all be forced to down the medicine soon enough.

I do know that Barack has a questionable background and has outed his own radicalism with the company that he has kept. His belief system is not one that would align itself with a prosperous America, in spite of the flowery speeches of vacuousness that he gives.



EVERY president is a have to be to think you can effect change in a country.

and I find it incredibly laughable that you think theres some conspiracy to push a BLACK MAN named BARACK OBAMA into the presidency like it was an easy thing. Because we all KNEW that we would see a black man with an african name and the middle name HUSSEIN as president within our lifetimes.

as far as Obamacare is concerned no one is happy about it..the right thinks it shouldn't exist and the left thinks it doesn't go far enough but a real compromise would mean that neither party is happy is thats a sign that its in a good track.

and stop with the "he's disarming us" cock and bull complaints..the US has more than enough in the arsenal to blow up the world 3 times over and thats NEVER going to go away.


I Agree with others, I doubt you even saw it and you decided to be like the rest of the whiny libs who didn't see it and gave this movie a 1. How tolerable.


lol Believe what you want Shotgun. You are the kind of deluded person who thinks Bush was a good president. I don't doubt that kind of delusion prohibits you from complex thought.


I'm wise enough to know that neither Presidents have had a net good effect, but the subversive undercurrent that runs through this administration should give any thinking person pause.


lol Who are you???


The only, "Worst piece of trash," and, "garbage," is currently residing in the White House.

Flush the t urd in November.....

WAY too many libtards in the movie industry...




Just for giggles. Here is what I remember from the film:

It started with Dsouza talking about how he would never have the opportunity to teach and whatnot if he had stayed in India. He showed his rise from Dartmouth to working for Reagan. Then he started talking about Obama's dad and how he was married in Kenya, then came to Hawaii, married his mom as a polygamist, then left for Harvard. He talked about his dad's anti-colonial views and interviewed his dad's friends. He interviewed a professor in Hawaii who knew Obaam's dad and mom and on and on. He showed his dad's grave a million times throughout the film. He talked about Obama's "foundation fathers" and mentioned Frank something, a professor and communist, Bill Ayers (of course, lol), Jeremiah Wright (and of course played the doctored and manipulated infamous "Damn America" clip). He interviewed Obama's half-brother and hack "experts" who talked about absentee fathers and whatnot. He mentioned at length that Obama is "out to de-nuclearize America" in some secret scheme to bring America down, lol. He talked about Obama adding to the deficit to "bring America down" and pretty much everything else he could think of to "prove" that Obama was trying to bring America down.

That's the film in a nutshell. Hope that satisfies those who think I didn't see it because (gasp!) I didn't like it. It was trash. Pure trash. The praise it has received is unwarranted and obviously is the result of the author's attempt to manipulate the press around his garbage movie. After all--as he emphasized throughout his ego-stroke documentary--he's "Ivy League educated" and thus smart enough to beat the critics to the punch on reviewing this trash.


The critics and partisan bickering over the movie is not the point. The point is the movies has legs like no other right slanted documentary ever has in the past.

It has made over $12 million in 6 days. People are paying good money to watch it in a regular theater and if that continues it is an issue for the Obama campaign.

Because it is an issue for the Obama campaign look for character assassination on a grand scale to occur on the film maker.

And that folks is how politics and entertainment work hand in hand to keep us all stupid.


I have not seen the documentary yet. Do intend to. What TamPalm wrote above is exactly what I read in a review this morning in my paper.

Wonder how long it would take to have a liberal candidate in the white house before they would stop blaming the previous Republican administration for whatever current ills beset the American people?

Would it have to be more than four terms of office or are there simply not enough years to end the blame game?

Because of the overwhelming bias in the media, pro liberal, I can not imagine that any citizen would not begin to question what it is all about.

But then I remember that we did have Nazi Germany and its citizens who turned all their freedoms over to Hitler.


The film is a joke made by a conservative with no credibility. That's all you really need to know.

The same way the GOP didn't want to go and see Fahrenheit 9/11 because they felt Michael Moore wasn't credible is the same reason Dems won't waste their time seeing this dumb movie. Look at the ratings already. At least Fahrenheit 9/11 got some positive reviews and a 7.5 rating.


On IMDB, that's hardly astounding. There's more libs in here than you can shake a stick at.


I haven't seen the film (yet), but have been monitoring the ratings and discussions about it since it 'opened' in the theaters..

If you discount all of the '10' ratings (it obviously isn't "Gone With the Wind" quality) and the '1' ratings (I'm sure it deserves a higher rating just on 'cinematography'), and only use the '2' through '9' votes, you end up with:

9 - 35%
8 - 23%
7 - 9%
6 - 6%
5 - 4%
4 - 2%
3 - 6%
2 - 15%

Which (though its been 30+ years since my high school math classes) gives an average rating of 7.33


9 - 35%
8 - 23%
7 - 9%
6 - 6%
5 - 4%
4 - 2%
3 - 6%
2 - 15%

Which (though its been 30+ years since my high school math classes) gives an average rating of 7.33

Actually it comes out to 6.74. First take each number and multiply it by the percentage numbers.

9 * 35 = 315
8 * 23 = 184
7 * 9 = 63
6 * 6 = 36
5 * 4 = 20
4 * 2 = 8
3 * 6 = 18
2 * 15 = 30

Then add them up and divide by 100. 674 / 100 = 6.74

A superhero never reveals their true identity


It started with Dsouza talking about how he would never have the opportunity to teach and whatnot if he had stayed in India. He showed his rise from Dartmouth to working for Reagan. Then he started talking about Obama's dad and how he was married in Kenya, then came to Hawaii, married his mom as a polygamist, then left for Harvard. He talked about his dad's anti-colonial views and interviewed his dad's friends. He interviewed a professor in Hawaii who knew Obaam's dad and mom and on and on. He showed his dad's grave a million times throughout the film. He talked about Obama's "foundation fathers" and mentioned Frank something, a professor and communist, Bill Ayers (of course, lol), Jeremiah Wright (and of course played the doctored and manipulated infamous "Damn America" clip). He interviewed Obama's half-brother and hack "experts" who talked about absentee fathers and whatnot. He mentioned at length that Obama is "out to de-nuclearize America" in some secret scheme to bring America down, lol. He talked about Obama adding to the deficit to "bring America down" and pretty much everything else he could think of to "prove" that Obama was trying to bring America down.

That sounds like a factual account of Obama's life. Where are you claiming that it's lying?

And have you examined the credentials of the experts to come to the conclusion they were 'hacks'? If so, could you share them with us?

Obama has made it clear he wants to cut the U.S.'s arsenal of nuclear weapons, and he's increased the deficits to record amounts.

So, where are the lies?


Disortion and supposition is what this movie does. The "facts" are used to prove the author's supposition about what he thinks is another man's mind. You don't choose facts to prove your opinion; the opposite is what honest, intelligent people do. You use facts to form an opinion. Saying "Obama's father was from Kenya" is a FACT. Saying "because Obama's father was from Kenya, Obama wants to destroy the U.S." is distortion and supposition, the kind this movie is founded on and what makes it COMPLETE AND UTTER TRASH.

My review has NOTHING to do with ideology. There are ways to put out a genuine conservative piece of art and make it work. That's not what this movie does. This movie is a fringe piece of crap. Honest conservatives will agree with that.


Disortion and supposition is what this movie does. The "facts" are used to prove the author's supposition about what he thinks is another man's mind. You don't choose facts to prove your opinion; the opposite is what honest, intelligent people do. You use facts to form an opinion. Saying "Obama's father was from Kenya" is a FACT. Saying "because Obama's father was from Kenya, Obama wants to destroy the U.S." is distortion and supposition, the kind this movie is founded on and what makes it COMPLETE AND UTTER TRASH.

My review has NOTHING to do with ideology. There are ways to put out a genuine conservative piece of art and make it work. That's not what this movie does. This movie is a fringe piece of crap. Honest conservatives will agree with that.

So, you have no facts to back up your opinion, nor any rebuttal to what the movie presented other than you didn't like it.

Typical liberal faux intellectualism.

I'm an honest conservative, and I think you're an idiot.


No, I told you specifically what the movie presented. What facts are claiming I do not have?


No, I told you specifically what the movie presented. What facts are claiming I do not have?

The facts to back up your claim that the movie is garbage, propaganda, and that people have to have a low IQ to gobble it up.

Without something factual to support your opinions, why should you be taken seriously?



The only, "Worst piece of trash," and, "garbage," is currently residing in the White House.

Flush the t urd in November.....

In YOUR FACE trailer trash! I hope you cried yourself to sleep after your empty suit got trashed..


I'm with Sammy. I don't think you saw it.


I gave it a ten because it was the truth!

I'd rather die as a free man than live as a slave to the government.
