What's this about?

http://situationroom.blogs.cnn.com/2014/05/09/terror-threat-shuts-down -u-s-embassy/?hpt=hp_t2

The hell are they shutting down the embassy for? I don't recall hearing of any anti-muslim videos released by right-wing whack-a-doos lately. According to Obama and Clinton there is no real terrorist threat anymore. The only time an ambassador or embassy would be in danger is if some hateful right-wing nazi releases a video that incites good muslims to riot by being so insensitive. Right? There is certainly no possible way this threat could be related to some broader failure of policy on the part of the Obama administration. I mean that would just be ridiculous. I mean, Obama spent millions traveling all over the world being super nice to muslims, apologizing for everything under the sun. So we're supposed to be good with the Islamic world, right?

What gives?


jeez. chill out, bro. come out to CO.

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


Will do. But not until December. Lived there long ago, and Winter Park is calling me back.


...there ya go. Take a toke and relax. It ain't that serious

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


"Hey man......Am I driving okay?..."

".......I think we're parked, man."


Bringin' back those ol' Cheech and Chong goodies?

On November 6, 2012...God blessed America


On Jan 21, 2017 God will bless America again. The right wing Republicans will get America on the right path again. I can't wait for the peace on Earth.


