Two hours of overacting

Just what the American Sheeple ordered.


And your thorough analysis has all the hallmarks of something written by a mental midget. Go back and watch "The Interview", it is probably more what you can appreciate.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Shows how much you know about me, Zippy. If you picked me up at my door, bought me dinner and paid for my ticket, I wouldn't waste my time with something like ' The Interview '. If you had the connected braincells to take the time to look at the films I've rated, you might be able to come to the conclusion that The Interview isn't exactly my type of film. As far as ' When the Game Stands Tall ' goes, I was given a pre-lease copy, which I in turn, gave to a neighbor, right after I recovered from realizing that I had just wasted two hours of my life. I had forgotten that I don't have much use for docudramas or biopics. I'd much rather watch a good documentary ( of which I own, approximately 300 ). As far as Bob Ladouceur and De La Salle football goes, I've been to countless games of theirs, and the film doesn't begin to do them justice. In fact, a friend of mine knows Ladouceur pretty well and from what he tells me, he got the distinct impression that he was not all that comfortable with the portrayal of him or for that matter, the film itself. Bob Ladouceur is a very humble man, so I was quite surprised when I found out quite some time back, that there was a film in the works.

The Mental Midget


At least this follow-up comment of yours made a little sense. Unlike your first post...

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


Give me your address, so I can send you all of the pre-release copies I receive that I'd rather not waste a couple of hours of my life on, so that I can pay you back for the insult. Also, do yourself a favor and take the time to view some of the films on my ( still incomplete ) list.


No thanks, I'll never re-watch all my DVDs and BDs, but I appreciate the offer.

I see you have zero reviews on IMDb which means you either are lazy or are too insecure to let others know your views on a movie.

I see you are a fan of older movies, nothing wrong with that. But just like there are many poor modern movies there are many poor older movies. The bar-graph which shows their year of release looks a lot like the Manhattan skyline. Actually visually impressive.

I see from your posting history you like to make snide remarks to others, in fact that seems to be your main M.O. You began this discussion with snide remarks.

The main problem with people like you who know something about the real coach and the real football team in this movie, you make up your mind before you actually see the movie that it is supposed to be about the football. But it isn't, the football is there to tell the actual story, of a coach and his program that seek to build character in teenagers to help them turn into good and responsible adults some day.

So sure, there will always be "overacting." I'd venture that many of your favorite movies contain some "overacting". But if that gets in your way of understanding and appreciating the message of this story then that says a lot more about you than it does about the movie and those acting in it.

It is a good movie with a good message. Mature, intelligent people appreciate that.

..*.. TxMike ..*..
Make a choice, to take a chance, to make a difference.


I saw the movie and I liked it.


Jim Caveziel certainly did not overact, neither did Laura Dern.
What is wrong with you?
