MovieChat Forums > Animal Practice (2012) Discussion > Olympics closing cermonies interupted fo...

Olympics closing cermonies interupted for this

NBC: Nothing But Crap



I bet the pilot got a lot of viewers. I hope it bombs after that. :(
Ant @ The Ant Farm ( and Ant's Quality Foraged Links (


Not that the show was destined for success anyway...

...but with NBC's handling of its first airing, and cutting into the closing ceremonies to do it?

Well, NBC just doomed the show at the starting line right out the door.



Thank you this show is going to bomb and I cannot wait any longer.


It wasn't a surprise since NBC's olympic coverage was as bad as it possibly could have been the entire time, but they cut out THE WHO to broadcast some idiotic comedy about an animal hospital? How stupid does NBC think Americans are? They decide to screw their viewers over to promote some awful show that six people will watch and will be canceled within a month, that's brilliant.


I know when I think about the Olympics, the first thing I think of watching is a badly written comedy that deals with animals. I came to watch the Olympics-- not this trash. The Who over Animal Practice.
