*beep* the Olympics

That's right, I said it. Most boring sh*t on the planet. I hated when my dad would interrupt my cartoons on Sunday to watch football. I hate it when there ARE NO SHOWS because some retards want to see who swims faster.

Thank you, Animal Practice.


So people who watch the olympics are retards, but you watch "Animal Practice"?


I don't care for the Olympics either. I'm so happy it's over!

"I’ve learned long ago that it is considered rude to vomit on your brother." ~ Tyrion Lannister


I'd hate the Olympics too if I was over weight and a loser whose fame comes from blogging online.


Are you inferring I'm famous?



So, nothing of value was lost.


I would have liked to have seen Muse. I thought the closing show was great, but it was soooo long.




Oh yeah, nothing wrong with that, either way. If you were looking forward to the Olympics and enjoy them, more power to you. If you weren't, well, that's you're equally as right. I, myself, was looking forward to the bands playing for the closing ceremonies. To put on this mind-numbing show in place of the Olympics closing ceremony, which contained these awesome, in my opinion, musical acts, was outrageous. To top it off, NBC then came back after this "Animal Practice" dreck, and broadcast a severely truncated portion of the bands playing. From what I understand, the show's already been curtailed. Good riddance.
