Pretty funny

Jumped around because there were no commercials, but pretty good pilot.


I thought it was pretty funny, too. I feel like the people who dislike it so much were only upset that the Olympics got interrupted, or else they don't possess the proper sense of humor for this kind of show. Also, they're upset that the Olympics got interrupted for this, yet no one seems upset that they cut a 7/7 bomb victims tribute for an interview with Michael Phelps. Gagamaggot, he is so overrated and I think that did a true disservice to the victims. But that's just me.


according to definition, it is actually not possible for Phelps to be overrated. I am surprised at all the hate for this show. I liked it.


I thought it was really amusing. I'm looking forward to the next, longer, episode. I also think, now that the Olympics are over, those who disliked it originally should give it a second chance and see what they think.



Haters gonna hate. Either way, the show will go the way it's going to go, whether that's to succeed or to flop. In my defense, People gave it 3/4 stars. That's pretty damn good.




To reclarify, haters are people who think that if they think something is bad everyone else should also dislike it.
I'm a hater sometimes, nothing wrong with 'emotion'al-'reason'ing ,both are logically linked, except in jedis, spocks & sociopaths.

Oh & y this show definitely is worth a watch, if u learnt 2 like Childrens hospital u'll def appreciate diz 1 too !




Well, at least your screenname is a good choice...
Because I question your intellect; An anomaly is: A deviation from what is regarded as normal.


I'm going to go ahead and pretend you said Vulcans instead of Spocks.


Thought this show's pilot was Ok. The monkey is funny, and I laughed at two jokes - thats about it. Hope it does well in the ratings because my boys wife is in it.


Thought Dorothy character was annoying, I hope they retool it so it will last more than 3 episodes.


Enjoyed tonight's preview and really like the main Dr. character, he's witty and cute! And that monkey is adorable too.


The writing was brilliant!

how we face death is at least as important as how we face life.



I thought the pilot was pretty funny, too. I'm surprised at the low ratings, but I guess to each their own.


Ill keep it short... 4.8 is harsh! I enjoy the flow and the vibe of this show, I walk away feeling good, sometimes that's all you need.


I loved it. Cute monkey and a great Queen song. Plus Justin Kirk...I'll keep watching.




I ran a small veterinary clinic for two years. There are some inconsistencies here, but it's not a documentary. They have barely scratched the craziness surface.


I think people forget this show is a comedy, not a vet drama. Things will be exaggerated or made up for comedy's sake.
