Life's Final Test

Today's Devotional - May 20

Life's Final Test

Take heed, watch and pray; for you do not know when the time is.
Mark 13:33

Recommended Reading
Titus 2:11-14

Anybody who has been to school knows what "cramming" is. We know a test is coming but we fail to prepare until the last minute. Often a syllabus is handed out at the beginning of the course that has the dates of each test -- so students know exactly what is coming. Yet it is human nature to put off until tomorrow what we can prepare for today.

The Bible is like that syllabus. It tells anyone who will read it of the last great test humanity will face: "And as it is appointed for men to die once, but after this the judgment" (Hebrews 9:27). Jesus Christ will return to earth to judge the world and establish His righteous kingdom of peace and justice. Many have heard this truth and have postponed preparing for this final test, the only preparation being to place one's faith in Christ Himself. And many Christians, who will also be tested by Christ (1 Corinthians 3:11-15; 2 Corinthians 5:10), are failing to live in such a way that will result in rewards for their faithfulness.

If you do not know Christ, prepare today by accepting Him as Savior and Lord. And if you do know Him, live today in a manner that declares your faith.

No one is redeemed except through unmerited mercy, and no one is condemned except through merited judgment.




The Bible is like that syllabus.

If only the curriculum had been revised these last 2,000 years and we could believe in the examiner.

Science flies you to the moon. Religion flies you into buildings.


Religion is like a shell game. How do you know you've picked the right one? Maybe you're just worshipping the wrong God and majorly pissing off the real one!


By reading the bible and examining what it says to what the religions say.

For example

1. The bible tells us not tokill, so if any religion says it is ok to go to war, then that is the wrong one.
2. The bible tells us to not worship idols, so any religion that worships or uses any idol in their worshipo (the cross is an idol) then they are the wrong one.
3. The bible says that the true believers will know God's will and be actually doing it and that they will be as one in their faith and have accurate knowledge of God. So in other words, you ask 20 of them they will all tell you the same answer and use the bible to answer it. All other ones - 20 different people will tell you 20 different answers.

There are many other ways as well. One big one is at Matthew 24:14 it tells us a global preaching work will happen. Look at all the religions and see if they have been doing a global preaching work and still are today.

But still more ways to see.

Research the bible yourself and see.
