MovieChat Forums > The Bible (2013) Discussion > there will be a reckoning for this!! ...

there will be a reckoning for this!!

Outside of various scenes of our Lord and savior's passion, the lost souls that threw this supposedly-Biblical film together didn't seem to take God or holy words serious at all. It made me so sad. Nor were they familiar w/ the bible considering how they told the story on Mary & Joseph and few others.

Particular directors seem to show a warp sense of humor through their films ..but this takes the cake. Falsely depicting angels using martial arts and butchering ppl was disrespectful in the highest form. Additionally, comparing the devil to any living human being as well known as the U.S President was thoughtless, inconsiderate, cruel, vile-minded and immensely unchristian for a supposedly-Christian film.

These God Stories are more realistic and so much better! Link below. If you cant get the video to start these stories are also on YouTube


Calm down!


Oh, look! Another overzealous Christian judging! Shut the *beep* up.


OP you sound like a psycho bible thumper. STHU about obama......sick of hearing the racist *beep* connecting obama to just about everything out there. Not everything has to do with obama. Get a life!


I went to the YouTube version and watched part of the "story" of Adam and Eve--that of the aftermath of the Fall and raising Cain and Abel. Don't you think this production took a lot of liberties with the narrative? There is not any passage in the Biblical text in which Abel is chastised for being disrespectful of the fruit, or the boys are tossing it around rebelliously. There is not any conversation or hint of recognition that Eve was concerned about this evidence of what I must presume to be "original sin" of disobedience. I understand the temptation to insert such a dramatization; the narrative is unclear as to why Abel's sacrifice was acceptable and Cain's was not. It doesn't seem fair or reasonable. And it seems there was no explicit teaching on acceptable offerings upon which the brothers could base their belief. The realism you seem to need lies in the presumably accurate language with attending subtitles (because we all read the Aramaic or Hebrew only use an English version for the tough passages), and in the presumably accurate physical features of the actors.
I am not sure that the insertion of the battling angels is more egregious dramatization than the one I saw in the GodStories video. The angels were as men, and as men were physically subject to the possibility of harm by the crowds. I have no objection to the idea of a metaphorical "striking blind" through battling their way out with Lot and Family in tow. How might that have transpired?
The producers chose to omit Lot's offering of his daughters to the gang and chose to depict the angels as asking Lot for assistance (a test, arguably, to find the 10 righteous men) rather than the Biblical narrative's depiction of Lot insisting that the men, who he may very well have discerned were either angels or of divine origin, come home with him rather than sleep in the square where all manner of licentiousness and evil were liable to happen.
You have not chosen a necessarily more objectively accurate version, just one whose inaccuracies you tolerate.
To say "there will be a reckoning for this" is to call down judgment. Are you prepared to first be judged?


i agree with all but this:

the narrative is unclear as to why Abel's sacrifice was acceptable and Cain's was not.

first off are you talking about the series or the bible? if the series...whatever. its screwed up beyond belief.

but in the bible it is very clear why. before any kid was even born to adam/eve god explained the sacrifice system very clearly to them & performed the first one for them. it has to be a lamb which all the way through the ages points to the lamb of god. unblemished at that & usually a male. (there are a couple of special places were a female kid is used...this is NOT one of them.)

able offered the required lamb in the belief of the coming messiah jesus thousands of years later as god himself explained.

cain didnt care & used food. now again, there is one feast day where a sheaf & a bowl of fruit is offered ALONGSIDE a lamb (or turtledoves if you're poor) but that is a special occasion NOT an every day sacrifice of a lamb.

Right. OK. Who fckd with IMDb now? WOW!
