MovieChat Forums > The Bible (2013) Discussion > Imitates THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST


Allow me to say, first and foremost, that I was a fan of this miniseries. Imperfect as it was, it's ambitious and genuine and I got immersed in it as I watched. That said, the second-to-last episode, "Passion," borrows so heavily from THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST that it was distracting to me.

By this I mean that entire sequences came dangerously close to being a shot-for-shot remake (albeit less graphic), from the scourging all the way through Mary cradling Jesus' body. I had a strong sense of deja vu, and it's not because they're telling the same story. It's because the editing, shots, and storytelling decisions were remarkably similar.

This had to be intentional: with so many viewers deeply familiar with THE PASSION, the producers clearly didn't do it as plagarism. They knew people would notice, which makes me wonder why they did it this way. Your thoughts?

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Jesus Christ, do you not know anything? What you said is equivalent to saying that "The Prince of Egypt" plagiarizes "The Ten Commandments."


Did you read my post at all, or did you just make a snap judgement based on the title? It's not about the story it tells, it's about the way it tells it.

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Do you suppose they should have done matrix bullet-time and shaky-cam just to make it look different?

There is a particular style for dramatic scenes that is almost standard for certain types of movies.


No, he has a point. They didn't have to imitate The Passion of the Christ. That movie certainly didn't imitate any other version of Jesus's death. But since the Passion has become so ingrained in people's minds as the most recognizable portrayal of the crucifixion, every other Jesus movie, show and such has more or less ripped it off frame for frame, image for image.

This one being a very unabashedly obvious one.

I wasn't fond of it either, OP. I felt it was far too blatant and kind of distracting.


That;s because the PotC broke new ground, especially in the graphic portrayal of the Scourging and the Crucifixion. In some respects it's like Saving Private Ryan. After that D Day opening scene, war films after that tried to copy the gritty violence shown in SPR.


I didn't see this series close at all to The Passion. The scourging was so watered down......and BTW, what happened to Herod? They left out Herod. I think what the OP is noticing is both(especially The Passion) The Stations of the Cross. Of course The Passion following The Stations more closely.

I liked Diogo...thought he did a good job portraying Christ most of the time. I liked the series....even though it was watered down and not the most accurate. Mia Morgenstern who portrayed Mary in The Passion was phenomenal! Roma was not. She was miscast in this series. I did not like her portrayal as Mary at all. Injected lips and botox....I don't think so!

Mary Magdelane was in every scene with the apostles? I didn't get that. She was not the 13th apostle.


you must be on your own island.

this was not even close & cant hold a candle to passion. sorry.
