MovieChat Forums > The Taste (2013) Discussion > Finale Staged, Badly Edited & Horrible M...

Finale Staged, Badly Edited & Horrible Music Also Winner Was NO Surprise

I mean... you sit through eight shows for some kind of a pay off and then all you get is ten seconds more after the winner is announced?

They make us put up with all the other cook's speeches, (seriously... who could ever really that Jen thinks she is now some kind of bad ass chef who doesn't need culinary training.. we all knew she was delusional, incompetent and egotistical since at least the second episode)as they leave but don't give us any type of pay off with an interview with the finale chefs???

The editing of these types of shows is bad anyway. So dramatic and staged and this episode is no exception. How could you NOT know Gabe was the winner? You could definitely figure out neither Jean nor Eric was going to get it. Especially anytime they show a contestant saying, "I KNOW I am GOING to win it all", like they showed Eric saying, that is the death knell for that person for sure.

And the music on these shows... wow. So cloying, overbearing, stupidly dramatic, annoying and unnecessarily "on" all the damn time. Just stop it. We know what to feel and when to feel it. Forcing emotional highs and lows with that gawd awful noise makes the entire production come off as completely staged with no "reality" in it anywhere.

If one more contestant says, "I didn't come here to lose, I want to win it all", as if no one in the audience could figure that out, I will puke.

And why do they edit it to just repeat what we just saw the second before? They explain the segment and the rules, then the narrator explains it all over again and then one of the contestants says what is happening again. I am so glad I streamed the show online so I can just skip past all that BS editing.

I like the concept of this cooking competition. I think it is the only true way to find a real winner. Which is why I bothered watching it. But, I can tell you, I most likely will not return for another season. I know all the "reality" shows are about as far from real as any TV show ever was but this one is really among the worst for me.

I am bored with the chef judges, (though Marcus seems the most into it and real of all of them if he returned I would be OK with that, probably why he had 2 chefs in the finale and the over all winning chef on his team), and would like to see more actual cooking and explaining of techniques and choices and less staged drama and unnecessary repeating of every explanation given.

Lastly: I knew Gabe would win it all. They made him look good and did their best to endear him to us during all 8 episodes. Throwing in that last bit about the cherries and all his worrying sealed the deal.. it was all just phony and forced suspense. Gabe was the chosen one from the second episode on, it was clear to see. Also, the audience would flip out if the chef with 9 gold stars came in 2nd or 3rd.

Gabe is telegenic, likable, has that clean cut, "boy next door" charm, comes off as sweet as apple pie with just the right amount of confidence and is a very safe choice as far as the main demographics for this show goes. A no brainer, really.

I think I will also pass on his online show. He is just too generic a personality for me. Bland. Irritatingly so. And his confidence felt a little to much like arrogance sometimes.

If an idiot were to tell you the same story every day for a year, you would end by believing it. HM


^Yeah, but how do you REALLY feel?? LOL!!

You are absolutely correct about everything.


I know it's cynical of me, for it suggest the show is fixed,(gasp), but I feel the by the numbers with no surprises finale was due in part by the fact that the ratings for the show have done very well this season.

If the network had a hand in it, (and you know they did), they're wasn't going to be any tampering with a winning formula which included watching the American all gold star win week after week.

Now it's time to make Saturday night reservations. of one, of one.


That would be, of three, of three. The OP HAS to be included!



Thanks, I am damn hungry, too!



Thanks, I am damn hungry, too!

You, larpine and I need to synchronize our schedules. I'll buy drinks. 😉
