Poor agent kim

Damn hannibal really did a number on agent kim but at the same time saved the life of bella for jack crawford. Im confused hannibal does this unspeakbale acts to jack and his team but at the same time helps jack and values jack as a friend. Im confused by hannibals philosophy.


Who is agent kim?


Im sorry i meant katz. Idk why i said kim, my mistake.


then change it


Simmer down, Beavis.


The asian lady that was apart of the forensic team. Season 2 episode 4. The one will was trying to convince that the ripper was hannibal and she went to his house and found the evidence and hannibal cut her up and displayed her.


Where did you get the name Kim from? Her name is Beverley.


Beverly katz but i put beverly kim by mistake.


He didnt save Bella's life for Jack. He flipped a coin to decide. He's an ass hole who likes playing with people because he thinks he's on the same level as god.


I kinda get the feeling his is trying to drive jack insane. Lass was found after hannibal tortured him with the same repeated voicemail. Making him watch his wife die. Killing katz in a very gruesome manner. Feeding him ppl. Toying with his emotions.


He didnt make him watch his wife die.


Die via cancer. She overdosed in hannibals office and hannibal brought her back. You said he plays god so maybe he flipped a coin deducing should i make jack suffer more from watching his wife did a slow death or let her od.


Dude, I've watched the show since it first started. No point telling me what happened. How about you just concentrate on the episodes.


You dont have to be a jerk. I just asked a question as i watch the show. Just what i was thinking.


I have never watched any hannibal movies and i just started watching the show. So im trying to figure it out as i go.


That's good. Enjoy.


I haven't seen this yet, but hasn't the coin thing been done?

Javier Bardem's "Chigurrh" in "No Country for Old Men."


Saving Bella for Jack was cruel as hell to Bella, his patient. He only did it to get on Jack's good side. A real doctor would respect a patients wishes.



Surely it would have taken a few days to freeze a body in such a way that it could be sliced and displayed like that.
