MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2013) Discussion > Season looks like it is in the works

Season looks like it is in the works

Looks like Bryan Fuller is in talks with NBC and ready to give another season if true I am so excited probably has to be one most artistic violence on a basic network which you would ever see and for NBC taking such a huge risk with content.




He is not in talks with NBC but has stated that the rights to Silence of the Lambs book revert back in August, 2017 so it's possible they could be able to tell that story as a mini-series but it does not necessarily mean it will air on NBC, Amazon Prime is more likely.


Bryan Fuller Is Teasing A Potential Fourth Season Of β€˜Hannibal’


Dear Bryan Fuller,

Enough with the teasing, just do it. You're killing me.

Did you just smell me?


It's not even a tease. He said there is less than 50/50 chance it's ever going to happen. Why people write those articles hinting it's a done deal is beyond me. He hasnt got the rights to SotL and that's not likely to even start negotiations until August next year, then he has to write the script, get the cast back together and shoot the bloody thing. Meanwhile, everyone is busy on other projects. Oh, and no network suits have shown an interest in picking it up. It's years down the track if it ever happens. Mads will probably be as old as Harrison Ford by then.


Sadists. 

Did you just smell me?


ehehehe. I know you want it back, Rav. So do I, but dont hold your breath, hon.

Hey, xmas morning here. Happy happies

Happy Hannukah, Merry Xmas, and all things jolly to bring in 2017.πŸ’ƒ



Did you just smell me?


I think this will definitely happen. It's just a matter of when.
