MovieChat Forums > Hannibal (2013) Discussion > New Show Recommendation

New Show Recommendation

I miss Hannibal as much as all of you and never thought I would find a show that I loved as much but I found just that in Stranger Things. If, and this is unlikely, you don't know anything about it, I recommend just diving in. It's only eight episodes and is a Netflix original. It's pertinence to Hannibal is minimal-to-none, but the acting is superb and I think most of you would like it as well. It's sporting a 9.1 on IMDb right now but I do NOT recommend visiting its page until after viewing as doing so almost spoiled it for me. Anyway, I just wanted to recommend a great show to you all- especially you '80s kids as it gives homage to many famous '80s flicks - as we continue to carry on life without Hannibal!

Top TV Shows
1. Stranger Things
2. Hannibal
3. American Crime


I was about to recommend 'Stranger Things' to you, before clicking on your thread!

Other good recommendations for people who love 'Hannibal' are season 1 of 'True Detective,' 'Mr. Robot,' and 'Fargo.'


And I'm looking in to all three of those shows! Thanks for reminding me! 'Stranger Things' truly is a wonderful show; great child actors get me every time.


I made the mistake and listened to the hype and watched Stranger Things. Highly overrated show. A waste of time. First time Netflix really let me down. I would recommend Bloodline whose second season was outstanding.

As suggested below, Utopia is also a solid series, now we're talking, that's another league entirely.

As for show recommendation, i would strongly urge everybody out there to watch Peaky Blinders or the Knick to see what real quality scripted television looks like. Otherwise Black Mirror is a must too. I wouldn't miss the Americans either, very compelling show.

Avoid Stranger Things and Preacher, 2 highly overrated shows that don't live up to their reputation. If i had to recommend only one: Peaky Blinders, the best show on TV right now.

Only my opinion.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Phil likes Stranger Things. No point telling him to avoid it.

I have heard Peaky Binders is really good but havent seen it yet.

I havent seen The Fall yet either and really must check that out.


Do yourself a favor and watch Peaky Blinders with your husband ASAP! You will fall in love with the story, the setting (early 20th c. Birmingham), the opening credits and the lead character who's just as charismatic, intriguing and cunning as Mads' Hannibal and you will drown in his hypnotizing blue eyes! Forget about the Fall, watched the first season 2 years ago and i found it rather average and pretty slow (the main antagonist stands out though, he has his own series now, Outcast, which i will check out tomorrow as soon as the last episode is out), and that's coming from a guy who thoroughly enjoyed The Killing, a show reputed for its slow pace.

I watch pretty much anything and everything and have watched close to 400 different TV shows from all around the world, and i always give a show a whole season before passing judgment. Sadly, i found the two most critically acclaimed shows that came out this year to be disappointments, as Stranger Things and Preacher didn't meet the expectations i built after reading various stellar reviews.

This is of course highly subjective and arguable and i know plenty on here and out there that would disagree with me, but if you are like me very susceptible to quality TV for adults with compelling dialog, enthralling drama and top notch acting performances and avoid soap opera and hollow teenager shows filled with Abercrombie "actors" like the plague (Arrow, Agents of Shield, Flash, Revenge, Sleepy Hollow, Under the Dome, Supernatural, Vampire Diaries etc), then you should absolutely check out the following shows:

Shameless US, House of Cards, Black Mirror
, Rome, Vikings, Peaky Blinders, Narco, Black Sails, Deadwood, OZ, The Knick, Utopia, Carnivale, Braquo, Borgen, Äkta Människor, Humans, Mr. Robot, Bloodline, Fargo (S1), True Detective (S1), The Wire, The Americans, Hell on Wheels, Billions, The Killing, Boardwalk Empire, Penny Dreadful, Marco Polo, Better call Saul. But since you're a woman, your first pick should definitively be Shameless US. And Peaky Blinders.

As said, this is highly subjective, but this is what i consider to be quality entertainment, for the eyes and for the brain. I could also add stuff i'm watching lately like TURN, Masters of Sex, Bates motel and Outlander, or shows such as Game of Thrones, 24, Shield and X-Files which i also consider "classics".

Happy watching!

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


I've never seen a negative comment about Peaky Blinders so I take your word for it. Thanks.


Shameless US, House of Cards, Black Mirror, Rome, Vikings, Peaky Blinders, Narco, Black Sails, Deadwood, OZ, The Knick, Utopia, Carnivale, Braquo, Borgen, Äkta Människor, Humans, Mr. Robot, Bloodline, Fargo (S1), True Detective (S1), The Wire, The Americans, Hell on Wheels, Billions, The Killing, Boardwalk Empire, Penny Dreadful, Marco Polo, Better call Saul. But since you're a woman, your first pick should definitively be Shameless US. And Peaky Blinders.

Out of those I've seen

Rome - great
Vikings - first 2 seasons
Narcos - cant wait for season 2
Black Sails - disappointed next season is the wrap up but am satisfied it's not being dragged out. Sad for how much money went into it, though. I expected maybe 5 seasons just due to all the work on the sets which are amazing
Carnivale - really liked it
Marco Polo - am about to binge season 2
Better Call Saul - my favourite show currently running. Cant wait for next season.
TD season 1 - really liked it but took a while to adjust to the colour palette (I've just got a thing for colour palettes)
Game of Thrones fan but my two favourite villains have been killed off
Shameless I have not seen but after Black Sails I really like Zach McGowan


Wow I so disagree with the people that don't care for Stranger Things. That series is awesome. My whole family is watching and we love it. We are up to episode 6. I can't compare it to Hannibal because I never watched the show. I just clicked on Hannibal by mistake and started to read this thread. Of course as the saying goes to each their own😀


LOL Pippy. The tv show fairy godmother is giving you a sign to watch Hannibal.


Well, maybe. As I said once before it took me a long time to watch Dexter.😂


Hannibal is sooo much better than Dexter, and I loved Dexter until it nosedived in the final season.


I agree the last season of Dexter was bad and the finale was awful


LOL. The finale was a Dexnado. Absolutely dreadful, wasnt it.


Hannibal is AMAZING. I love Stranger Things and it is my all time favorite show but I was absolutely shocked when I actually sat down and thought about the fact that Hannibal was being bumped to number 2. Hannibal is that good.


Personally, I think Preacher is comic-book/comedic genius. Nothing in common with Hannibal but the level of subtle intelligence might attract the same viewers. Also the fact that it's not your typical formulaic show.

I've seen others who hate it but I think it's fabulous.

Movies are IQ tests; the IMDB boards are how people broadcast their score.


If I may ask, what didn't you like about Stranger Things? I also gave into the hype (although I saw a trailer early on and was impressed) but I came out loving it. I thought the acting was phenomenal, especially Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven) and Finn Wolfhard (Mike). I also care a great deal for quality television, as I just can't watch bad acting (it makes me too angry lol) and love an original idea, which I see Stranger Things to be, despite the homages.


Sorry, to be clear,
that question was meant for I_Created_U.


Good recommendations for everybody.


Utopia. The most underrated show ever imo. Definitely has the best cinematography on tv.


I havent heard of that.

Looki8ng forward to checking out Westworld in October. Cinematography looks stunning. Lots of violence and noodidity. Hopkins is in it for the other Lecter fans. He looks great. I think I posted the trailer on this board.


Well I urge you to give it a shot; chances are, you won't be disappointed!


I'm assuming the Brit drama, not the Aus comedy?


Definitely not a comedy haha but it's on Netflix starring Winona Ryder and Will Holfhard, among others. Don't think it's Britsh but I may be wrong


Oh you mean Stranger Things rather than Utopia? LOL I think we got our wires crossed.


Oh haha yes I was still talking about Stranger Things. That makes sense! I haven't seen Utopia so cannot form an opinion. On Stranger Things, however, check it out!


I tried the pilot and didnt like it but I've seen nothing but great reports about it.


Fair enough! If I may ask, what didn't you like about it?


I'm not a fan of Winona's acting, and it sort of struck me as a reboot of stand by me. I'm not a fan of lots of kids in my shows. Kids are great, I just prefer them not to be most of the cast for my films. Very happy the show is getting so much praise, though. From what I saw they look like pretty good lil actors.


Yeah for the people who didn't like it, Winona's acting and it showing so much homage to '80s movies seem to be the top two culprits. I'm usually not a huge fan of child actors either but I found them to be very good, even award-deserving. Anyway, thanks for indulging me in a conversation!


No problem. I honestly have not seen a single negative comment about it. Maybe I was just in the wrong mood so considering it's being recommended by you, a Hannibal fan, I'm tempted to give it another go. My husband really liked it and we noramlly but not always enjoy the same shows.


It could be worth attempting again but Winona is in it a lot and the homages continue. :) I myself am a 90s kid so I may not have been bothered by it as much because I've only seen some of the movies (though I have seen Stand By Me, and loved it!). It really picks up after the first two episodes so if you have time one day, it may be worth a binge-watch.


I dont have a problem with homages. I really like them. I loved them in Hannibal and AHS, and I laughed my ass off watching them in sharknado: the fourth awakens. Oh man, that was so atrocious it was hilarious.


Well if you're good with homages, I'd go for it! I, for one, loved it; the kids are really great together!

As for sharknado, I just can't watch it lol.


It's really really bad. LOL. We were just in the mood for some total stupidity.


Oh I have another recommendation. Narcos which is made by Gaumont. Very different looking show to Hannibal but well worth checking out. I like how they splice in raw footage.


Yeah I've heard good things about that! While we're recommending, American Crime is a great one as well. It is on ABC but you can tell that it was made for cable television. The acting is superb; two of the lead actresses were nominated for Best Lead Actress at the Emmy's this year. It's on midseason for about 10 episodes. Don't know about Amazon or anything like that though.


Is that the one with Ryan Murphy as the showrunner? I havent seen that but I do like documentary style.

I'm really excited for Gaumont's next season of Narcos. I like the lead actor - he's like Mads in that you can be watching his portrayal of a role and think he's really sympathetic then BOOM. As I said, very different style to Hannibal but for me they've done this show very well in keeping with the look of the period without making it too retro, if you get my drift.


It was created by John Ridley. Ryan Murphy was the producer of American Crime Story (always confused with American Crime for obvious reasons), which is about the O.J. trial. ACS wasn't bad but some of the acting choices were questionable, to say the least. American Crime is an anthology show. This season (s2) followed the characters as one teenage boy accuses another teenage boy of sexual assault. Very powerful stuff and hard to watch at points but the acting is absolutely superb and keeps you invested.

I'll have to look in to Narcos!


I havent seen either. American Crime sounds interesting. Might check it out. Thanks.


Thank you for Narcos! I'm excited to check it out.


It's really good. I keep asking myself if he was a good guy with bad intentions or a bad guy with good intentions. I just really like it. I hope you do, as well. Let me know either way.🙌


Wow, hadn't heard about this "Westworld", the premise sounds interesting. Maybe a bit derivative of shows such as Äkta Människor and Humans? Let's see...

The good thing is, it's HBO, which usually makes for an above average end product. On the other hand, what could be a bad thing is that it's from Jonathan Nolan whose work on Person of Interest didn't convince me particularly, as i found the series rather hollow and superficial, even if the core concept was indeed original. It could have been much more. Again, only my opinion.

Will definitively check out Westworld as soon as the whole season is out, it could be good. Or not.

People who don't like their beliefs being laughed at shouldn't have such funny beliefs


Westworld is based on Michael Crichton's novel which was adapted for a movie starring my first celebrity boyfriend when I was a lil tacker

Yul and Mads to me are similar actors ie very body aware and conscious of everything even the lift of a finger can bring to a character.

Trailer looks great. Sadly, no Yul or Mads.

I dont know PoI.


Black Sails


Great show, but another one that's only getting 3 seasons.


They have announced a season 4, although they have said that will be the last.


Oops, my mistake. Thanks for the correction.👍


If you are interested in a show that is similar to Hannibal, I strongly recommend the British show Wire In The Blood. Hasn't been on for a while but there's a fair number of episodes and it has a similar style and themes to Hannibal. Not quite so openly artsy but generally smart and well written.

Also Millennium, but you really have to cherrypick your episodes with that one!


I saw the first season or two of Wire in the Blood. Robson was excellent. Nothing like Hannibal, though, apart from the fact the lead has aspergers and he's a forensic psychologist profiling serial killers.
Great show.


If you like Dr. Hannibal, watch 007 Casino Royale, it's where mals Mickelson or whatever his name is started out. He's a very good actor but kind of one sided, all his acting seems the same, and he's always the bad guy.


I recommend The Hunt if you think Mads is one-dimensional. He is awesome in that film as well, but in a different kind of role.


all his acting seems the same, and he's always the bad guy.


You obviously havent seen many of his movies.


yes I have, casino royale, dr. strange, hannibal, he plays the bad guy




FARGO (FX)!!!! After shaking my head <<albeit after being thoroughly surprised to see such an amazing show like Hannibal on one of the 3 or 4 major networks>> about the demise of such an amazing series...And after exhausting BB marathons, Better Call Saul re-watchings, the only other show not on a premium cable or pay stream service is WITHOUT A DOUBT.... FARGO on fx. Watch it right now... I'll wait. Cheers.


Meh, Narcos isn't anything special. I think people feel obligated to gush over shows they invest 10+hrs into (because they can binge now) as long as they aren't total crap. Hands down, the best recommendations you've gotten that aren't (necessarily) the most obvious picks are Fargo, Black Sails, Black Mirror, Mr. Robot, and The Americans.

Peaky Blinder has the best cinematography of any thing - at all - and I mean that seriously, but it gets a bit aloof and convoluted, and feels all over the place at times. Not to over do the whole "black" motif either, but I'd also highly recommend Orphan Black, for which Tatiana Maslany (finally) got an Emmy this year.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Narcos was great imo. Made by Gaumont as well.

Black Sails I've loved. Disappointed next season is the last.


Not that I don't respect your right to your own opinion, but in my experience talking about Narcos, people who say it's great give only vague answers to justify that opinion.

I suppose it's enough for some people that something is in focus, and has good acting. - I was going to say it was shot well, but I can't even say that. It's mostly handheld camerawork, and so doesn't lend itself to much creativity. The color timing is good, I guess. For me, in the current television landscape, as show that does so little to distinguish itself, it is pretty difficult to abide as a masterpiece, the way people seem to have.

One guy on the Narcos board a while back told me he thought, among other things, that it was "funny." So I asked him to give me one example of a funny moment, and he flat out struggled to find one, reciting bland moments from the most recent episode he'd watched. (Pablo Escobar fed a bunny rabbit! Isn't that hilarious!?) Then asked me if I expected him to recall "everything that was funny about the show." That's exactly the problem, this dude was the one who told me he thought it was especially funny, but when the time came to say how, he couldn't say.

Then there are those who simply recite the accolades that the show begs for. "It's true!" (Not so much according to Pablo's son.) "It's gritty" (kind of unavoidable.)"It's morally ambiguous!" This one the show gets on its knees for. Which is stupid, because really it makes cops look like crap, and drug dealers like Pablo look a lot worse. That's not moral ambiguity, so much as moral pessimism.

I'm sorry, I don't mean to harp on about it forever. But the show is only vaguely interesting to me, and I guess hype culture is finally getting under my skin after all these years. You may have a much better handle on why you like it than the people I have talked to. The point is that most people can't seem to articulate why they think it's special in any way that actually is special. It's certainly not awful. That's why I can't exactly pick it apart either, I'm just kind of bored by it a lot of the time. - It's rarely surprising. Season 2 is better though.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Thanks for respecting my right to my opinion. I really liked Narcos. If you did not, I respect your right to your opinion.


Well come on, you have to agree that if you disagree with someone you don't really (or don't necessarily, at least) respect their opinion. You can only respect that they are entitled to one that is unique to them, because they are an individual, with a different perspective. It would be disingenuous for me to act as though your opinion about Narcos makes sense to me. But it does make sense that it makes sense to you, simply because you are somebody else. I can't change that, and I wouldn't if I could.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Not that I don't respect your right to your own opinion

but in my experience talking about Narcos, people who say it's great give only vague answers to justify that opinion.

I have no idea what your experience is, but in my experience, people did say why they enjoyed it. You obviously only looked for negative opinions that matched your own. You dont like the show. That's cool. Dont make assumptions about people who did enjoy it. S'All I'm sayin.


You're not great at reading I guess...

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


You're not great at being polite. Here I was thinking we were having a discussion.

This is what you said

I think people feel obligated to gush over shows

I dont feel the least bit obligated to like a show I dont like. I have no idea why you are being such a tool simply because you didnt like Narcos and obviously are incapable of understanding that not everyone shares the same taste as you. Does it impact on your life in any way whatsoever that others enjoyed the show? Pretty sad if it does.


I specifically took the time to give you the benefit of the doubt, but since you took it so personally I'm beginning to think it's an assumption that should have been made.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Kid, you're the one who got personal. Maybe learn to use your remote control in future so you dont have to watch shows you dont like. That's a novel idea, right?



For a guy who called me "kid" you're quite the sensitive little baby.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


learn to use your remote control in future so you dont have to watch shows you dont like. That's a novel idea, right?

Oh yeah, and as if to prove you can't read. Really brilliant. You should review text for a living. You're so great at interpreting it.

There's no such thing as the establishment. Everyone knows that!


Westworld definitely has helped fill my Hannibal cravings in terms of intense background detail (particularly in regard to obscure artistic references), glorious production values, fantastic acting, top-notch filmmaking, layers of thoughtful themes to digest, and overall being a remarkable artistic production for TV...or movies for that matter.
