Gap in the storyline

I enjoyed this pretty much, but have one complaint about the plot. It seems they put some effort into making it a coherent story, but it still lost me at one point.
After the woman confesses to her lover that she is pregnant, he doesn't take it too well, drowns his sorrows and comes home late. Now the next morning is awkward. Why would he decide to follow her to her appointment (which turns out to be her gynecologist)? Did he suspect the baby to be from another man? There was nothing to suggest this kind of mindset. This part didn't flow well for me.

Last movie watched: Bride of Frankenstein (6/10)


The man hung up the phone before she said she was pregnant. He thought she was cheating on him as per the conversation at his office, and just saw her undressing in front of this other guy, jumped to conclusions and ran away sobbing before he saw what was actually going down.
