Cali the owner

Even though Cali's singing was terrible but she seemed like a really nice person but a little lot in priority at first.


She really did. Albeit a bit controlling I think. I'm so happy she fired the general manager. What a vile man. I also think she's too trusting which is why she ended up spending all that money on purchase/renovations and hiring a fool who knows nothing about the business to run a hotel.


Was surprised Zans wife misty left with him since she didn't seem as bad as her husband but did so over loyalty.


thats why i love these shows, they show people in all their seasons, so to speak. it makes them really relatable and real. most people i know have good aspects and dark aspects to their personality. . . the question is how do you let go of the parts you dont need and grab hold of the parts that are the best.


Nice person? Maybe she can be nice but she struck me as a whiny, cheap, ungrateful and paranoid control freak who wanted to be the center of attention all the time; she was also pretty deluded thinking that her God-awful Cher impersonation was well-received by the few guests she managed to scrape up. Also, she treated her guests like a bunch of children - right because people are just going to randomly color on the walls of the hotel.


Yeah she didn't seem "nice" to me either.

Shes in a delusional bubble-world, where she thinks she is an amazing singer, when she sucks. And making your paying guests sign a legal document as soon as they check in is ridiculous and a turn-off.


I didn't find her nice either. I have a feeling she is a pain in the ass to work for.


She wasn't nice. And she lacked self-awareness. If I were Zan, I'd be totally relieved that I didn't report to her any longer. I know her type: you have to walk an eggshells around them so as not to totally set them off on even the smallest issue.

And BTW, Cali... people call to ask if Cali is singing tonight NOT to know whether they should COME that night but rather if they should STAY AWAY.


I thought she was delusional and creepy. It was so weird how after the remodel she started complaining about washing the tablecloths and having to take care of the pool furniture. Like that was so much more important than having her hotel succeed. I was surprised at the update which indicated she was doing better because she seemed so crazy.


I thought that too. She wasn't nice and was very controlling. I couldn't believe that she complain about the linen and extra furniture when, HELLO what was bringing in the punters? The place was rocking, hire more staff or send linen to a contract cleaner. Immediately she looked on the negative side.



Cali was a self obsessed jerk

or is, whatever

she complained about the extra work the renovations caused her IMMEDIATELY after being shown them and even complained about not being able to see the grapes on her walls anymore when the whole point is to modernize and adapt she was supposed to abandon the Italy style and go for the Mexican

Cali doesn't listen and her hotel will fail inevitably. even with Chef Ramsay 10 ft from her and helping tons she lost track of things

If i go crazy will you still call me Superman?


I too think she is a nice person, but also naive and maybe a bit disillusioned.
Looking at the hotel website, it seems the place is up for sale...


Turns out Cali was NOT a nice person.

On Facebook, the head chef (I forgot her name) said that Cali fired David (the cook) the day after filming, because he stole camera time away from her. The head chef quit and now works in El Paso, TX.

Also, Cali had the entire room renovations redone the way they originally were, in beige. She changed the restaurant menu back to the way it was before, with the crappy Italian cuisine. She got rid of all the new pool furniture and put back the ugly stuff. Cali claims to hate Gordon Ramsey and regrets his ever coming to her hotel.

Don't know if she's still singing or not.


The previous poster said the place was up for sale. If she went back to the way it was before and failed, who's surprised. Hopefully she is not looking for a singing job.



"If I could tuurn baack tiiiiiime!"


Ha ha ha! Well said.
