Yeah and it looks like *beep* This is just another 20-something slasher pic with a ridiculous premise. Take your pick, there's countless direct-to-dvd movies out there in the same vein. But, seeing that this is IMDB, there will be at lest 100 users voting this 10/10. *Real* users mind you, not at all related to production or crew, oh no (rolleyes).


That doesn't look good at all. But I'll still watch it because it could have something worthwhile about it.

It just looks like a bit of a downgrade for Katrina, but I'm glad she's doing more horror.


Definitely will watch it because Katrina is in it. Love her.


Sigh, this movie looks so bad, the whole idea is SO beyond ridiculous... so why havent the ghosts gone ape s**t on every single person who drove by on that road (thousands of them) who didnt know about holding their breath and so on. Thats what makes it so incredibly stupid, it negates the entire concept. Just a little more thought put into the plot, somehow separating the cemetery from access, making these people be one of only few to enter it...
Anyway it looks so bad that even though the absolute babe Katrina Bowden is in it, who I find so perfect that I would literally enjoy licking her ass****, even despite this I might not see it. I have seen pretty much everything shes done so far but this is just terrible. I hope she gets some more quality roles soon.


well the trailer is really the sense that it doesn't give you a false sense of quality, and you go see the movie and it's now know this movie will be very dissapointing!!


#Holdyourbreath because you're about to smell a big wet stinky fart of a movie.


You beat me to it. You know, I did like a couple of the actors, but I thought it was a terrible movie. There are a lot of plot holes and I think some parts made no sense (like how does McBride know that the evil guy's spirit is free on the anniversary to possess others, a little more backstory in that would have been nice but apparently he's just all-knowing). Also, how does he know how the recently possessed would feel, how does he know they can't remember? I kind of half expected them to show that one of the guards or people watching the execution was possessed (like what happend in Wes Craven's Shocker, which at least had a better plot imo.)

For some reason I feel I could have felt better about the movie if it weren't for the cliched ending that contradicts what McBride said in the first place (then again maybe he wasn't as all-knowing as he thought he was). So in short, a nice movie to watch if you want to see a group of attractive 20 somethings half-naked, mutilated, and fleeing in terror. Not so great if you're expecting much of anything else (and there are better choices for what I mentioned above). I wouldn't "Hold my Breath" waiting to see it again.


Entirely unremarkable. I thought maybe it might be funny or something but... meh.

What if a squirrel wants a sausage?

