
Sorry if this has been asked already, but I didn't read much about this show prior to watching it. I watched the 1st episode twice and I never got the impression that the sons were twins. But, I just read 2 articles on the show and it says they are. Did they mention that in this episode and if so where in the show? I just assumed TJ was the younger brother.


Yeh they are twins. Just not identical.


But did you know this from the show itself or from other sources?


That's interesting. I didn't know they were supposed to be twins. But on tonight's episode TJ called Douglas "little brother" or something like that so I guess we have our answer.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Doug then immediately says "only by three minutes"


Well I hope he doesn't hold it against TJ for being 3 minutes older. I mean, one of them had to be born first. Unless he expected both of them to be delivered simultaneously. lol

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"





'Or as my son and daughter say "You are just a rough draft of a perfect me!" '

LOL LOL I love that!

It's funny but I had a serious problem with TJ being the drug addict but after the scene where his grandmother (Ellen Burstyn) told him about his grandfather being an addict as well, I kinda see TJ in a different light now. And I especially liked how she told him something along the lines of : "I know how it goes and I know just how it will end." That expression on TJ's face was priceless. I hope he takes those words to heart and use them as the catalyst to turn his life around. It seems so cliched but all that talent he has he's just letting go to waste chasing his next fix, just like his grandfather.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"



Hi Nena. The scene played out somewhat like this: TJ and his grandmother are mulling through sheet music to find an appropriate song for an engagement party and that grandma remembers the lyrics to. She comes across one called "Second Time Around" lol or something like that and TJ says he doesn't think that is an appropriate song since it's the first time for both parties. Well grandma says something to the effect of it's the second time they're scheduling the engagement party [I believe] so the song is appropriate. The housekeeper interrupts to tell grandma that the florists arrived so grandma gets the check from her purse, in the amount of $2000, and leaves to pay the florist. She gets back and they start rehearsing more and then she notices that her glass of liquor is running low so she goes to get a fresh one, telling TJ to continue practicing, or something of that nature.
The minute she leaves the room this "look" comes over TJ's face and I immediately knew what he was thinking. Just didn't think he'd actually act on it. Well he did. He goes to grandma's purse, rips out a blank check and immediately leaves. [I'm here thinking what an a$$ he is because leaving like that will make grandma suspicious. I'm thinking what a sorry thief he makes.] LOL
Well when TJ returns to grandma's place again, I'm assuming the next day, she pretends as though she knows nothing about the missing check but then outta the blue she grabs him by the face and asks him where's her check. He instantly hands it back to her, telling her he couldn't do it. He's lying of course because the night earlier at Douglas's place he mentioned that he stole the check to pay his share of the business upstart but his "partners" weren't having it. They wouldn't accept it. It was then grandma tells him about that player she had the crush on was his grandfather and how he was a druggie, got beat up, etc. for either stealing from or owing drugpins money [can't remember which] and they eventually found him in a motel dead, having OD on drugs. It was then she told him she's well experienced with his "kind", knows how it'll play out and how it ends. Then she told him if he ever stole from her again she'd never speak to him again. That's pretty much it.

But personally, I was hoping she would've slapped the taste outta his mouth. He got off way too easily.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


I really need to refrain from calling her grandma. She may be a grandmother but she surely ain't grandma. lol She's got too much spunk, but it seems everytime I start writing and need to recall both her or Elaine, their names escape me.

"I don't love you enough to hate you!!"


Okay, so this second episode we learned TJ & Douglas are indeed twins. TJ is the very talented, older by 3 minutes, screw-up and Douglas is the good son who tries very hard to be everyything his parents wanted. And it makes sense now. TJ, I assume stands for Thomas Junior. So because he was born first by only minutes, he is the first born son and gets to be his father's namesake and becomes the favored son. This sets in motion Douglas' life of trying harder to please while it all comes too easily for TJ. I've never been a huge fan of the Jr. title, though I do acknowledge it's a personal choice. However, I am especially perplexed as to why parents would give it to a twin. That just seems to start out showing preference of one over the other.


TJ stands for Thomas James. Bud's real name is Donald.


Did you learn these two facts in the first or second episode? I obviously missed it and was thinking that Elaine called 'Bud' Thomas in exasperation in episode two.
