
Holy *beep* what a dull boring movie. not as bad as amber alert but really bad. brings nothing new to this found footage/ hand held camera genre. terrible actors. terrible direction. they should of just called it lets just take footage of tree's and not do anything scary. what a terrible movie. avoid this crap its not good.


...when you wrote that short blurb.

This movie was awful to the point of being laughable.What? Street light-type of lamps in the middle of a forest? Powered by what? For what purpose? Dying flashlights that never seem to...give up the ghost (whap! whap! whap!)

And the dialog? The screenwriters apparently took the screenplay of every "Scary Movie" and churned them into a word processor with an "automatic" button. Yep, that's how this cliche group of teens talk. Hey! A little nudity -- especially by Ms. Murphy -- would have improved this movie greatly.


It was really, really bad. I just cannot believe someone thought it was a good idea to make. Terrible.


Garba... I lost interest.
