I'm White And Racist

I am. But, everyone is racist, and if we were all blind, the writer of this film would have much more in common with the KKK then I ever would. This movie SUCKED. There was not one decent human being in this flick. Maybe the white guy that Sam was screwing seemed to be OK.

This movie was so terrible, I couldn't turn it off. I wanted to see just how messed up a writer could be. Because the only person to blame for this IS the writer. If he was trying to show "how it is" he was way off. I mean maybe that's how black people are. I don't know I'm a white racist. But, if this is how he sees white people, he's way off.

The only truthful thing I saw in this film was the two black people who didn't really associate with the other blacks going to the black side and finding out they had their backs. But, that's not a good thing. It just shows that this writer wants black people to separate from any form of so-called white society.

While I hated every moment of this: the acting, and everything as far as film-making goes was terrific. So, the guy should direct and leave the writing to not so outwardly racist people. Or perhaps he should collaborate on a film with David Duke.

I'm old, white and racist, and I just don't get black movies. I try, but I guess they're not made for whitey to understand.



Is that photoshopped? If it's not where is it from? It's pretty messed up.



I respected Malcolm X's honesty. He hated white people and had no problem saying it. He actually had some meaningful points. I thought he was wrong about a lot, but he had some decent arguments. As much as I think ISIS should be wiped off the face of the earth, I respect their honesty. They hate everyone except other radical Muslims and show their hatred by slaughtering their enemy. Of course it would be nice if the leaders would get off their asses and stop these maniacs, but, I guess I'll worry when they're kicking in my door.

Here's where I'm confused about this movie (as I am with so many black films). These black kids got into this college, and for the most part segregated themselves. The film showed no outwardly hostile attitude toward any of them. They chose to band together. Just as other "cliques" do. Hell Sam was a hit host. Yet, they went so far as to throw the "racist" white kids out of their lunch hall, yet one of the "racist" white kids would in society be deemed a wigger. So, what's the chances that a white kid that lives a predominately black lifestyle is a raging racist? Then to show solidary for all blacks they kick out the homeless gay black kid. Is that the black thing to do? Should we be rooting for anyone in that cafeteria?

I remember seeing Do The Right Thing and thinking no one did the right thing.

Is there racism in the world? Of course, there will always be racism. But, what do black people want? These black kids got to go to an Ivy League University. I couldn't even afford to go to a community college. Do they want to be accepted and treated fairly by everyone? That's never going to happen. Because no one is treated fairly by everyone. Perhaps their attitude has something to do with not being welcomed with open arms by the people they claim are racist. Maybe constantly calling everyone racist has something to do with no one listening, even when they have a point. I don't like you, but I want you to respect me. I'm going to make fun and insult you. But, you treat me with respect.

We're all racist. Some like myself choose to accept everyone for who and what they are. I choose sides on facts and not race. Apparently many don't see it like that.


Malcolm X admitted he was wrong. It wasn't white people that were bad, it was the West's perception of blacks that made them act so hostile towards us.

June 14, 2013; The Return of the King \S/


Didn't Malcolm X say he was wrong and not long after he was dead? While he might have in the end realized he was wrong for years he believed.

Before 1980 I'd side with the majority of claims of racism. But, today racism is a all purpose word that has nothing to do with actual racism.

There's a story of a 17 year old black man who was "dating" a 31 year old white woman, and he ended up "committing suicide" by hanging himself with dog leashes on a swing set. Now, of course it's pretty much impossible for him to have gotten up there and hung himself, since there was nothing for him to kick out from under himself. I can guarantee you this is racism. CNN tried to push this story, but there's so much imaginary racism being pushed, this story at the moment is lost.



Well on the plus side, you'll be dead soon.



The only person having trouble "letting go" is you.


Yeah. But, I'll die of old age. If you're a young black male you probably won't you'll be killed by another young black male. So, I'm good. Remember "Hands Up Don't Shoot" or in your case "Do shoot".


Yeah. But, I'll die of old age. If you're a young black male you probably won't you'll be killed by another young black male. So, I'm good. Remember "Hands Up Don't Shoot" or in your case "Do shoot".

the probability of being killed by another white person is the exact same for you.

the problem with statistics is that people use them to suit their own agendas. they don't think about them in total and in context.

also, you're a racist, and a violent minded one at that. no one else on these threads except erichill has said such a thing to another person who is perceived as being non-white.

lighten up and watch movies...sheesh.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


The problem with people like you is you have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

But let me fill you in.

In 2012 2 million whites died. 250,000 or 450,000 blacks died (I don't remember which). That's because Caucasians make up 60 + % of the US population. African Americans make up roughly 16% of the population.

Do you understand that? Does that make sense? Are you following? Probably not. But, you liked this movie.

In 2012, 4000 whites were murdered. Over 90% were by other whites.

In 2012, over 5000 blacks were murdered. Over 90% were by other blacks.

So, I'm SAFE. My chances of being murdered by another white is SLIM to NONE. But, if you're a black male, your chances are much higher of being killed by another black male. Astronomically higher.

Perhaps you should WAKE UP to the truth. But, that would burst your ever so thin bubble of BS.

It's very easy to look up these FACTS. Do a search for murder rate Center Disease Control stats.

Hey, the guy said he was happy I'd be dead soon. So...


The problem with people like you is you have NO IDEA what you're talking about.

the problem with people like you is that you are filled with fantasies of death and hate.

i'll repeat it again - your chances of being killed by a white person is the same as anyone else's of any other race. the same statistics you people use from the FBI to denigrate black people even say so. the percentage rates are nearly identical, give or take a couple of percentage points.

as most white men are oft to do, you preach on high as if you know everything, and as if no one else has the same access to "facts" that you have. i've done the reading, i've looked through the tables and charts. the data shows that humans who live near other humans sometimes end up killing them. this isn't rocket science, nor is it some magical racial reality.

people kill people. *shrug* such is the way of humans.

you're "safe" insofar as anyone else is "safe." a church bomber, a jilted lover, a reckless driver, or a school shooter could still end up taking your life. there are no promises made to you because of you race. see that's what separates you people from the the rest of us who don't judge others for little reason, and who don't fantasize about death based on skin color.

a white man who is a racist telling me to "wake up" to something he deems is the truth is a joke and a half. why would i EVER listen to anything you had to say? you want black folks dead. you have nothing to offer me.

do you understand that? are you following? probably not, since you continue to haunt a movie board of a film you claim to dislike (which is both pointless and a waste of time).

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


You're stupider than sin. But, hey, YOU will forever be more racist than myself. Because you see Racism everywhere.

Hey, how's the end of stop and risk working out? Yep, for the first time since Guiliani started the program the murder rate has gone up in NYC. 20% in the first quarter. That's 9 more dead, and guess what race they are.

But, YOU KNOW. Yeah, you know nothing. You can't even do simple math.


You're stupider than sin. But, hey, YOU will forever be more racist than myself. Because you see Racism everywhere.

Hey, how's the end of stop and risk working out? Yep, for the first time since Guiliani started the program the murder rate has gone up in NYC. 20% in the first quarter. That's 9 more dead, and guess what race they are.

But, YOU KNOW. Yeah, you know nothing. You can't even do simple math.

newsflash: you are the admitted racist here, so stop trying to pin that on other people. "seeing racism everywhere" doesn't make one a racist, it means that a person has eyes. i see what you post about black people and i see the way you interact with people in this forum who you perceive to be black. the way that you call for the death of black people is really gross - and i certainly don't join you in doing that toward white people, or ANYONE. that's all on you, buddy.

the only thing that is stupid here is your faulty, racist reasoning. all you do is name call, denigrate others, and make death wishes based on race. if you want to be the new white racist mayor of new york city and keep tabs on its murder rates, be my guest. it's not my interest. i'm here to make comments about movies.

"simple math" is a simpleton's understanding of statistics. it's no surprise that as you manipulate them in your mind, you also misunderstand how to speak of them within context.

as i said before - people kill people. it's really not that complicated to comprehend.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


I haven't called for the death of anyone. All I did was point out statistics and you're too stupid to understand them.

Yeah, people kill people, and black people kill black people MORE than any other race. In a population of 48 million (Black) 5000 are murdered. In a population of 250 million (White) 4000 are murdered. There's four times more whites and 1000 less murders. Yet you think I have the same chance as a black to be murdered. Dumb doesn't begin to describe you.

I admitted to being racist just as everyone else is racist. Your posts prove you are racist without a doubt.


I haven't called for the death of anyone.

you either have an extremely short memory, or you aren't able to read your own garbage:

Yeah. But, I'll die of old age. If you're a young black male you probably won't you'll be killed by another young black male. So, I'm good. Remember "Hands Up Don't Shoot" or in your case "Do shoot".

Yeah, people kill people, and black people kill black people MORE than any other race.

the amounts of people killed throughout the centuries in the americas, in africa, and in countries outside of the united states at the hands of white leaders and mostly white soldiers has been unparalleled.

if we want to speak of sheer numbers, white people have killed the most people on this planet in all of history, and that is undeniable.

if we want to talk sheer rates and probabilities, all groups kill at the same rates. same with doing drugs, same with any other anti-social behavior. it has all been statistically proven, and it's common sense. skin color doesn't determine behavior. your argument is illogical and impossible.

as a racist, you are unable to objectively speak of data regarding human behavior because you prejudice your understandings in an anti-black manner. anything you have to say or explain about human behavior is worthless.

as already stated in this forum, no one is "safe." any person can die any day. anyone can get killed in any manner. sht happens. "stop making this a racial issue."

I admitted to being racist


you want a cookie?

just as everyone else is racist. Your posts prove you are racist without a doubt.

you're just making excuses by saying EVERYONE IS DOING IT. take personal responsibility for your own actions, thoughts, and feelings, and stop blaming other people for the way you carry yourself.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


"Keep your lies alive, that's all you got, and continue to see rape everywhere."

"Because you see Racism everywhere. "

^^^yep, that's your MO. accuse people of seeing things "everywhere" because you tolerate rape and racism.

"Please disabuse yourself of the notion that my purpose on earth is to tuck ignorance in at night."


No, I just don't tolerate PC moronicism.

You're still a racist, and Dear Black People still sucks.


FYI: 90% is more than 10%.

The odds are a lot higher that a white person will be killed by a black person.
9 to 1.

UNLESS you don't understand the numerical difference between 90 and 10.
Which I think you DO.
But the facts don't suit your agenda...


The chances arent the same by any means. A simple look at crime stats will tell you that.

Blacks are overwhelmingly more likely to commit homicide, kill a black person and are the leaders in interracial crime as well. Pretending this isnt happening doesnt help to solve anything.


You start by saying you are white and racist, I don't think anyone is surpised that you didn't like the movie. It's like skinheads hating Schindler's List. It's a badge of honor for the movie.


You start by saying you are white and racist, I don't think anyone is surpised that you didn't like the movie. It's like skinheads hating Schindler's List. It's a badge of honor for the movie.

Exactly. The OP forgot to add he's a white racist idiot.
He's not an idiot because he's white, he's just an idiot because he's an idiot.



You obviously have NO understanding of why black people have issues with white folks, and hell no,racism is a very real THING that exists, and not in our heads. You sound like another ignorant racist fool who dosen't know s*** about black people and only knows about us form what you see on TV. Also, you're old,white,racist and just plain damn ignorant of anything outside your little boring,stale white bubble. And to compare the writer with that racist David Duke---that is the most stupid thing I've ever heard. The film of a satire of race relations in society on a college campus----the very real issues around race that black students have to deal with on an all-white campus. You can't handle the fact that it wasn't all about white people and their bull*** as usual. Just because you as a white person don't ever have to deal with race dosen't mean it dosent' exist. You didn't understand nothing about this film,or the reasons behind it. Not shut up and go read some books on race, and soe black history while you're at it. And you're way the hell off about this picture and the message it was trying to put out there---as usual, some racist who dosen't understand anything about non-white people and sounds like a damn fool spouting off about something he knows absolutely nothing about.


"I'm White And Racist"

umm, is this suppose to be shocking or something o.0?

smiling in front of me but behind me got they gun in me




I'm old, white and racist, and I just don't get black movies. I try, but I guess they're not made for whitey to understand.

Nailed it.
Thanks for stating the obvious,too.
A bit of the old ultraviolence...


At least you're honest.

I didn't like it all that much myself and thought it would be better if the characters weren't so one dimensional but I wasn't as appalled by it as you.

I thought that the gay kid with the afro was likeable, and maybe the white guy dating Sam. Although he was suffering from white guilt I imagine, how else could he put up with her black this black that rants nonstop. But at least he wasn't a stereotypic white douche like the rest of the white characters.

Sometimes it's better to keep the genie in the bottle.
