Sounds horrible

The one REAL review out of the 3 currently up sounds a lot different from the other two.. hmm. Lots are finding their review helpful, so it looks like some real votes are in on this one. I know it's out there in the wild anyway.

Just a heads up, don't buy this or even pirate it unless you want some unintentional comedy. For more comedy, read the fake reviews and the shill in the other thread. :)

Oh, and the box cover art is laughably wonderful. Good job fellas.


it's just getting more publicity because you can stream it from a lot of free sources now. i stumbled across it on last night when it still had the 7.9 score. i didn't bother actually looking it up then, i was just like 'ah, well this sounds alright -- vampires that aren't pussies -- good.' oh dear. in a way i guess the shills succeeded.


Sounds horrible? Oh no, it's way worse than that. I could stand to watch a horrible movie but this one is so god damned bad that there simply aren't words to describe exactly how bad it is. It's rare I actually give up on a movie, even with truly bad films I usually stick around just to see what happens in the end but not this one. This movie makes any movie made by Asylum look like a contender for an Oscar nomination.


As someone involved with the film, I can honestly say that none of the actors or crew posted reviews. People we know who have seen the film have posted, but none of the cast/crew. We don't play that way. Either you like it or you don't like it. We make movies we enjoy making and if someone else enjoys the fun of it, that's great. We really don't need to skew things since we aren't trying to organize an Oscar campaign or anything. We're just finding it interesting that suddenly it's being pirated and has gained a ton of attention and appreciate anyone's interest in our little Michigan-made vampire-fest.

If you guys really want to post something negative, though, I just ask you try to give examples of what it is you didn't like about it. That's what we find useful, not 'Well I only watched five minutes and didn't like it' sort of comments. Let us know WHAT you liked or didn't like. Then maybe if we do decide to make a movie to cater to a larger audience, we can see how to make it better for you.

LFN's Madeline: There's been entirely too much externalization of emotion lately.


that's the right attitude misty. i didn't like it as a whole but i'll be sure to come up with some examples of scenes in particular i didn't like in a couple of days. i haven't got a copy at hand right now to reference. thanks for not getting 'touchy' and defensive.

i think the main problem is how this film was advertised as a 'serious' vampire flick, when really it was more of a humorous b-movie.
