MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > What an amazing actress.

What an amazing actress.

While watching the show, I keep "forgetting" that all the clones are played by Tatiana Maslany.
She just really embodies all their different personalities so well, it really feels like I an watching different persons. Amazing.


My mum always asks me who plays Helena. It takes her minute to realise, wait a minute, that's Tatiana as well  So you're not alone.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


My mum always asks me who plays Helena

I'm sorry your mum has Alzheimer's. I guess, if you look on the bright side, she can daily rediscover the sheer brilliance of Justin Beebler.


My Nana has dementia. It's nothing to joke about.

Why don't you take a pill, bake a cake, go read the encyclopaedia.


I catch myself thinking that Kristian Bruun doesn't get to work with Tatiana very much. I tend to think of Tatiana as playing Sarah, and I sometimes forget for a second or two that Sarah, Alison, Cosima, Helena, and Rachel are all the same actress. Her ability to change her mannerisms and her over-all vibe: it's amazing.

In Season 4 when Ira and Rachel have scenes together, I caught myself thinking that these 2 actors didn't get to work together too much -- and then, DUH -- I realized that they had worked together numerous times as the other clones.

This is a fun perk of the show, but it's just a bonus. The show is great to watch for general reasons, like the story and how much I like most of the characters.

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All terrorists are MEN, so let's stop letting MEN in, until we figure out what's wrong with MEN.
