MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > Gracie and Mark and other unresolved cha...

Gracie and Mark and other unresolved characters

I wonder if we'll find out what happened to those lovebirds in the final season?

Also what happened to the transclone Tony?

And of course Cal.

and what about Charlotte's mother Marion? According to the Orphan Black wiki she's assumed dead, but I don't remember her getting assassinated by anyone?

and Cosima's short-lived ex-military fling Shay?

I'm guessing we haven't seen the last of Adele either.

What of Helena's "boyfriend" Jesse? Or is she too into Donny now?

Vic the Dick? what's he up to since season 2?

Will Angela DeAngelis ever know what's been going on?

So many unresolved characters I'd love to have come back for the final season.


and Cosima's short-lived ex-military fling Shay?

I think we have seen the last thing to Shay, especially after that Delphine did to her.

I wonder if we'll find out what happened to those lovebirds in the final season?

Also what happened to the transclone Tony?

And i really hope we will see a scene where all clones alive will be in. Would be awesome, but i doubt it. :)

And of course Cal.

We better get to see him again.

"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."


If next season is the last season I would prefer its ten episode be plot driven, with relatively limited time devoted to blasts from the past, unless they are truly plot-driven.


Gracie and Mark just went off to live their lives. Maybe we'll see them next season but there's no need for anything further on them


Gracie and Mark just went off to live their lives. Maybe we'll see them next season but there's no need for anything further on them

Does that include the sicknesses that the Castor clone inflicted on all the women they seduced? I guess they're just not part of the story anymore, whether they remained sick or got better without Castor exposure.

I kind of liked having Gracie around, not just because she's a likable character, but because her religious upbringing was good contrast against the science. And perhaps she would have made a closer friend these days with Cosima, what with her budding spirituality.

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


I'm hoping that we at least get a scene with Cosima has the cure and administers it to Mark so mark can live with Gracie. Maybe the cure can come with a cure for Gracie and the other women who became infertile can get cured also.


I'm just glad they dumped all that Castor stuff in the rubbish bin. Yuck.

It's not always being fast or even accurate that counts. It's being willing.


The writers have never been that great in developping(and making them relevant to the plot) characters other than the clones.

I liked Gracie and Mark and sadly, I think we've seen the last of them. In fact, we may have seen the last of all the characters you listed Why ? Because there's just no time in 10 episodes and the writers prefer to focus on the clones. Which I totally understand, but then again, what was the point of those characters other than giving Tat somebody to talk to lol

And it really sucks because a lot of the non-clones characters had potential but nope. They just went nowhere


I've really been wondering about Marion, too. The last we actually heard about her on the show, she had gone to Europe to run interference with Topside on behalf of the clones.

But then, after Mika is introduced, in the episode where she's putting pictures into her chart of people behind the scenes, she puts Marion's picture into the chart, and then covers her face with a red X. That would seem to imply that she's dead, but her death isn't mentioned anywhere.

So did Mika kill her as part of her revenge plot? Then again, considering that Susan Duncan ended up with Charlotte, perhaps Susan had something to do with Marion's possible death. (Or someone that works for her.) It's all very unclear.

But, the as-yet-unresolved plot point that's driving me the most crazy is Kira's physical resilience. Wasn't that back in season one when she got hit by the car and was miraculously okay? I think I read in an interview with one of the show's creators where they said that wasn't just luck, and that it will be explained later. Well... 4 seasons down and one to go and so far - nothing.

I've given up hope that they'll ever come back to that one, but it's been really bugging me.

I love this show. I love everything about it from the acting (Tatiana especially, but the whole cast is killer) to the writing to the production... everything. I recommend this show to people all the time. An unresolved plot point (or two, or three) doesn't change all that, but it is disappointing.

I do hope that season five wraps up as many of these mysteries as possible. I am really going to miss this show.


Kira also seems to possess some psychic or precognitive ability to sense danger.


And the show runners had alluded to the fact that we'd find out more about Kira in S4, but that didn't really seem to happen. I'm not a huge fan of the character, but I am curious as to what her abilities are and why.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


So did Mika kill her as part of her revenge plot?
This was discussed a while back. The idea was that Mika acquired the info on Marion, and it was news to her. I guess she likely welcomed Marion's death, due to whatever in Marion's past from the comics related to Helsinki. I have not read them.
But, the as-yet-unresolved plot point that's driving me the most crazy is Kira's physical resilience.
Maybe the show will come back to this. We've never really gotten any analysis about any genes that Kira might have inherited from Sarah (or Cal). However, Sarah and her twin Helena have been remarkably resilient as well. That probably also means that Sarah will have no trouble surviving her stabbing.

One might also surmise that the "sick" clones are far less resilient, although Rachel has also done some bouncing back.


Has Rachel shown any symptoms of the sickness? I thought it was only our dear Cosima.


No. But Charlotte (the younger one) is also sick now too.


In addition to the clones showing resilience, there was a scene in S3 where Allison effortlessly lifted something Donnie had trouble with. Plus she handled the jackhammer with similar ease when they were tearing up the garage.


I didn't care so much for Mark but did like Gracie. I do hope that they can be the good romantic ending with Mark getting cured and maybe Gracie's infertility can be reversed.

I think Tony might come back for a cameo, or one off episode but not much more. Maybe they can utilize him better this time around so he can go out with more positive note than the controversies before.

Cal is probably not on Game of Thrones anymore, so maybe we can see a lot of him this year. Some people even think he might be Westmoreland or have some other connection to what is going on at the top level.

I'd like to see Shay back, even if it is just for better closure for her and Cosima.

I at first didn't like Adele but she grew on me. I think it'd be neat if somehow she got her law license back and became the clones real lawyer when they come out to the world. That's where I though her story arc was going last year.

It's the old adage, "if I told you, I'd have to kill you." I hope de Angelis comes back just to get killed, right after she learns the truth.
