Favorite pairings?

Just a silly, fun thread- who are your favorite romantic pairings of this series?

(Not an exclusive list)
Sarah & Paul
Sarah & Cal
Cosima & Delphine
Cosima & Shay
Alison & Donnie
Helena & Jessie Towing
Rachel & Paul
Rachel & Ferdinand
Felix & "Morgueie"
Gracie & Mark
Susan & Ira
And anyone else you can think of!

I grew to like Alison and Donnie together, their antics are comic relief, but you can see the love too.

I also liked Cosima and Delphine once I realized that Delphine really was a good guy at the end of S3 (or at least that's what I got out of it anyway). Before that, I couldn't stand Delphine, esp not after that initial "spy bang". But they made it seem like she did a lot for the sestras behind the scenes in S3.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Donnie and Alison are the only stable pairing. The rest are victims of long disappearing acts/casting difficulties. This situation is not too different from Piper and Leo on Charmed.

I don't know who "Morgueie" is, but Felix had Colin as a partner for much of seasons 1 and 2.


Yah- the Morgue guy.... someone once refered to him as "Morgueie" and I just couldn't remember his name! That scene when they were in his loft and Rachel's henchman busted down the door was great, until Paul strong armed him.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


That scene when they were in his loft and Rachel's henchman busted down the door was great, until Paul strong armed him.
That needs further explanation. Felix was unhappy even before Paul strong armed him because Paul ran off Colin. Not only that, but we never saw Colin again. I don't understand what you mean by "great" in this context.

Felix had another partner...a bald black guy...whom he seemed to be paying. I don't know if you want to count that.

How about Alison and Jason?
Rachel and Daniel?
Henrik and Bonnie?
Beth and Paul?
Beth and Art?
Frank and Roxie?
Delphine and Aldous?
Susan and Ethan?
Siobhan and Carlton?
Sarah and Dizzy?


Oh- by "great", I just meant it was nice to see Felix having an interaction with someone on a romantic level and they were having fun and he seemed so happy. The scene was just heartwarming I guess because he's so often seen as the helper, the side kick, so I enjoyed seeing him doing something for himself.

Oh yah- really, the list I put forth wasn't exclusive and I know it didn't include every possible pairing. So yah- mention whomever! I do think, as brief as it was, Siobhan and Carlton had a hot scene together.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Oh yah- really, the list I put forth wasn't exclusive and I know it didn't include every possible pairing.
I thought maybe you wanted some more pairings, but I don't know how popular these pairings are.
Another possible one: Sarah and Ferdinand. Maybe that will go somewhere in season five if Ferdinand gets tired of Rachel using him. In his place, I'd already be fed up. Getting used by Sarah is way more preferable.

Of course the list gets even longer if you include pairings like Alison and Felix, but those are too hard to list.

I think Alison and Donnie have the best relationship just because it is the only one that lasted. That plus Donnie has long since surpassed Felix as the show's best comic relief. Kristian Bruun should get a best supporting actor nomination in a comedy, but I don't think the Emmy's allow that. "Orphan Black is either a drama or a comedy. Make up your mind. Drama? Fine."


You're right, he really has stepped it up and has grown in the role. Like another poster said, I too will be sad when this show ends because I do enjoy watching them together.

Oh Rachel, she definitely needs to be kicked to the curb. I've enjoyed watching Ferdinand so much in this series. I enjoy the actor himself and the character is a blast to watch even if it's through gritted teeth and he's being creepy! What he needs to do is get Rachel in the most compromising position, physically, mentally, emotionally- whatever- and put a beat down on her and bring her down several notches to the ground! I don't know if anyone is capable of doing this to her at this point, but I'd like to see him do it and get back at her once and for all.....

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


What he needs to do is get Rachel in the most compromising position, physically, mentally, emotionally- whatever- and put a beat down on her and bring her down several notches to the ground!
There is a fundamental flaw in this reasoning: Ferdinand is the masochist, and Rachel is the sadist. I could be wrong, but I am pretty sure Rachel would refuse to switch roles. She's too much of a control freak.


I'm not really all that keen on any of the romantic pairings in the show, but my favourite platonic pairing by far is Alison and Felix. Those two together are both funny and endearing.

The Players of The Game are the scum of the earth.


Oh yah- I suppose I could've opened it up to whatever pairings. That's a good thought. And yes, I do love Alison and Felix's relationship. It's great, they work well off of each other. I esp loved the whole intervention episode in S1. Hilarious.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


Alison and Donnie are, perhaps, my favorite thing in the history of entertainment. For me it's between them and the character Toby Ziegler from The West Wing. I just really think there's something magical in how Tatiana and Kristian work together and how the characters mesh so well. I don't know what that magic is or what sets it apart in my eyes from everything else I've seen but I just love it so much. I'll be so bummed if the end of Orphan Black is the end of Tat and Kristian's working relationship, I just think they're so damn perfect and delightful to watch with each other.

None of the other couples really do much for me although I did love the moment that Art and Beth shared. And a part of me wants to see Art and Sarah end up together. I think they'd be good for each other and Sarah seems to have a natural talent for investigating and faking being a cop that I think if/once her life settles down she could actually pursue it as a career.


Cophine 'til the very end!!!

Both actresses have a phenomenal chemistry and i fell in love with them instantly. I'm straight btw, but i am probably shipping this pairing more than any other tv-show pairing ever.


Yes- I started to agree with this sentiment after seeing all that Delphine was doing to protect the Sestras! I know some people hated their reunion and some people loved it. I actually loved it!

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."



Oh Ferdinand and his frittata. He could read the phone book and I'd listen to him the whole time. Love the actor, love the character- not saying he's a good guy or I'm rooting for him or anything, I just like what the character brings to the show. Bravo.

"This organism and derivative genetic material is restricted intellectual property."


1. Sarah and Paul, even if their relationship was problematic. I wish his redemption arc had lasted a little bit longer.

2. Helena and Jesse Towing for sure! They're such a cute pairing. Had no idea Patrick J. Adams played Jesse until recently. So cool!

I totally agree with you about Delphine. It couldn't stand her until the end of season 3 as well.


Mork and Mindy
Pinky Tuscadero and Arthur Fonzarelli
Amy and Ty
Luke and Laura



Lavern and Shirley?


Cosima and Delphine. I wish I could do that! JK


Not reallocation
