MovieChat Forums > Orphan Black (2013) Discussion > Alison and Helena unnecessary filler?

Alison and Helena unnecessary filler?

I really liked the Alison and Helena characters in season 1. The duality of Sarah vs Helena was gripping and powerful.
I also really liked the stark contrast of Alison and her trying to figure out who her monitor was.

However the characters became extremely pointless by around season 2 or 3.
Helena just seemed to get kidnapped by someone different every few episodes, and didn't really seem to contribute anything to overall plot. And Alison went from being an ordinary and naive soccer mum to figuring out her husband was a monitor, and torturing him for answers, to trying to run for some sort of local election and doing theatre.
Additionally the whole Breaking Bad element of Alison's scenes seemed like a pathetic way of trying to get fans of BB to watch the show. It really had nothing to do with anything, and they even reference how similar their situation is the Breaking Bad at one point.

The whole story arc of their characters really just seems to go nowhere. You can pretty much delete all their scenes and you don't actually miss out on anything relevant to the main story. So they effectively became filler characters?

I actually found myself groaning every time a scene with Donnie and Alison cooking up drugs or trying to act like gangstas started waiting for the scene to end so we can get back to the story.

I've never been a fan of filler in shows, but considering Orphan Black seasons are only 10 episodes long, there really doesn't seem to be any need for filler, other than just keeping the characters around for the sake of it.

Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.


Alison's character was conceived from the start as one that tries to live a normal life. She pushes all the dealings with the science faction onto Sarah and Cosima. I would have had a bigger problem with the drug subplot if not for the fact that even in season one, Alison had a drug problem. It seems chilling now remembering that Aynsley urged Alison to take a "happy" pill. Even so, Alison got too withdrawn from the rest of the story in season three. However, there appears to have been a longer term plan of showing that Alison can't live a normal life, and that sooner or later, she'll was going to have to deal with the scientists.


There's quite a difference between taking a few 'happy pills' and being a drug dealer and dealing with drug lords. Koalas are telepathic. Plus, they control the weather.


I think your experience of these characters and their situations as like filler, if not pure filler, is related to the contrast in quality between setups and execution. Orphan Black is a case study in promising setups followed by mediocre to lackluster execution.

Whether one takes the broad view with S1 as a setup to the rest, or a narrower view with individual plot strands, the writers are all about promising setups, but with exceptions are at best mediocre at payoff.

This is why rationalizations that cite setups, like Alison's potential drug problem, miss the boat, because they don't address the source of the problem. The setup is fine. The source of the problem is the execution of that setup.

Your experience of "filler" is one of the symptoms of poor writing instinct. Alison and Helena - and Sarah too - were set up in ways that suggested great potential. But subsequent events and character exploration have had low impact and meaning relative to the potential of those setups.

Alison and Helena in particular became parodies of themselves. Sarah was tamed before S1 was over, her opportunistic, morally iffy street punk persona dropped as soon as she reconnected with her daughter, at which point they just recyled behaviour patterns. Cosima's always been a cute cypher, serving as a vehicle for scientific exposition and giving the show a tormented romantic relationship of no particular originality or distinction. How could it be otherwise for cute cyphers in love?

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


I'm mostly trying to figure out where the show is going with Alison in season five.

The writers don't appear to be planning to sent her back to her house for a return to normalcy right away, at least because crooked cop Troy Collier is still after her. Or is he, given that Evie Cho is dead? Then again, Clone Club does not know about that, just that Cho has been publicly ruined and replaced. In any case, Art had some scheme to use Roxie to expose the corruption in the police department, but the show never got around to that before the end of season four. Clone Club does know thanks to Krystal that Van Lier helped Delphine, but I don't know what they'll conclude with regard to cops out to get Alison.

With Sarah in trouble, does that mean that the writers are going to utilize Alison to help with the many cliffhangers at the end of season four? Or will she go back to her usual tangents like drug dealing or being elected to a school board?


Orphan Black is more than a scifi/mystery/thriller, it's also a character study about all of these women and how they can have identical genetics but turn out so differently. The stuff you see as filler is my favorite stuff, Alison, Helena, and Donnie are my three favorite characters and after watching the full episode I'll go back and rewatch just the scenes with those characters because they're so much fun.

Season 1 was very plot-focused and it was really good but I love that the show evolved to have more character focused and has let the characters exist, and develop, and grow and not just serve the plot.


That's an excellent point.


a character study about all of these women and how they can have identical genetics but turn out so differently.

Stop the presses. Who would have guessed?

If this is character "study," relatively speaking it's the first glance/reductive kind of study. It's like saying McDonalds is complex cuisine. These characters have remained skin-deep, merely caricatures.

They spin wheels more than grow. Plot dominates in OB, and the writers prioritize convenience so that characters are pawns, aligning with its needs. They write from the outside-in so the show's progression seems more artificial than organic. They tend to smooth out and ignore character qualites that have the greatest potential for "study," and so "growth" in OB is a movement from potentially complex to simplistic.

"You must not judge what I know by what I find words for." - Marilynne Robinson


Yup. No one can deny that lol


I've mentioned in the past that Alison could go away, but really, her value as soccer-mom contrast still has value, and as it turns out, I still really like Donnie. His participation in the last season was priceless, especially playing the gay partner.

Be careful with your words about Helena. And do NOT taunt the babies!

Be sure to proof your posts to see if you any words out


Regardless if you think Alison and Helena are filler clones I totally love them and find them each fascinating as they really feel like completely different people but played brilliantly by TM! Helena is Sarah's not just clone but twin sister and now she is having twins. I'm dying to see if see if her twins look like a combo of pseudo Shakira and Mini Me Kira or Sarah. It would be great if they had them look like other mini me pop stars just as an inside joke since everyone says Helena is looks likes a crazy, Russian version of Shakira. BTW, loving Crystal/Krystal and this clone was never supposed to have more than one non speaking scene during her near rape on video by the Castor Clones. TM did an amazing job of creating her into a more 3D character when we didn't need another clone and she is hysterical and one of TM's and one the whole cast and crews top 3 clones. I also love how TM got the idea of her personality from loving the comedy sketch Publizity from Comedy Central's The Kroll Show. That was may fav sketch and loved Nick Kroll's ugly Liz and how both Liz's always drank iced coffee or juices from a plastic cup and straw, with their crazy logic about PR and their shallow, mentality about life. TM has really pulled the best of those Liz
characters and made Crystal/Krystal one of the funniest clones since Alison/Helena. Also Donnie played by Christian Bruun always cracks me up as well as Felix (Jordan Gavrais). TM and JG can really pull off accents, especially South London accents like no one else I've heard in TV. I knew TM was Canadian but in the first showing the the S1E1, didn't remember JG from other shows as he's grown up and really thought he was an English Actor!!!


Not Agreed I watching orphan black for Helena and Alison cosima
Infect I say Sara manning is unnecessary filling she traveled a lot I really hate manning segments.


Helena and the talking scorpion was so stupid
