Please Spoil it for Me

I need to know the twist ending. Can't find it anywhere online. Someone who has seen it help me out?


I just came here to aske the same. Would really love to know the twist.

Hang on tightly, let go lightly


Finally found the end of the movie, they are arguing and the man ends up raping the woman and then leaves. Then right after that, he comes back inside laughing and pays her. So the whole entire thing was just a sex fantasy of the man's and she was the hooker paid to carry it out.


wow i'm really glad i didn't see this movie then wow



Thanks for sharing. It sounds pretty disappointing, I don't think I'm going to watch it either.

Hang on tightly, let go lightly



Uh...This sucks. I understand your curiosity. I get like that sometimes too. Like with the Hunger Games, I wanted to know how it ended before even finishing the series. But just to write the spoiler in a sentence or two kind of ruins it. That's like saying to someone who's never see The Sixth Sense (spoiler alert if you haven't, but I figured everyone knows that twist by now), "Bruce Willis' character is a ghost." You have to watch it to see why that's such a great twist and have that moment of, "Oh my God!" at the end when it's revealed.

I, personally, really loved this movie. And I'm glad I didn't know the twist before I watched it. Now that you know, I don't think you'll enjoy it. But it was not, in my humble opinion, disappointing at all. If you really want to get spoilery (I know that isn't a real word LOL)...The whole movie you get the impression that he really loves her and she doesn't want him. But after the twist is revealed, just through some of the things that are said and the look on the actress' face, you realize that she's just "fun" for him and he could take it or leave it. She, on the other hand, seems like she genuinely enjoys their time together and may have feelings for him. She seems really sad when he leaves. It was very well done. To watch something for an hour and half and then have the tables completely flipped. Nothing you believed was true. I found that very intriguing.


Right, exactly. I didn't get to see The Usual Suspects until it had been out for a while. Still, I felt tremendously cheated when Entertainment Weekly blurted out the surprise twist without so much as a spoiler alert. The fun is in being fooled, then watching again to see how it was done. For that reason I didn't come here until after I'd seen the movie. I also don't visit the pages of any ongoing dramas taken from books. The people who have read the Fire and Ice series seem to feel particularly superior to those of us who are just watching Game of Thrones, and revel in throwing in advance spoilers, then giggling together in geek forums. Ditto for Walking Dead, although why someone would feel superior about reading 100+ comic books is beyond me.

Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show I should really just relax." - MST3K


Okay, I'll try to keep a cool head, but I can't guarantee it...

I just hope I'm misunderstanding your point, but I can't be blamed as it's just the way it's written/exposed. Let's see, somehow it's alright -or not entirely wrong- for some immature geeks to feel superior for having prior knowledge of the contents of some adaptation/s from literary materials... just as long as that very literary material doesn't come from "100+" comic books, in which case their attitude is "beyond you". Is that correct?

Assuming it is, as, again, that's the way it's plainly written up there, I just have two things to say. One, that feeling superior to other individual/s just based on some self-righteous assumption of superior knowledge is stupid and wrong, independently of which field of expertise said knowledge comes from -be it quantum physics or american football, it doesn't matter. Two, that feeling superior to others by berating or mocking their tastes and preferences, and by extension the more that dign art form they're based on, is just as stupid and wrong an attitude as the former.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with having read 100+ comic books, just as there's nothing wrong with having read 100+ novels or essays, seen 100+ movies, watched 100+ operas, attended 100+ concerts of black metal or 100+ of classic music. They're all art forms, they're all more than worthy works of culture and they all deserve the same amount of respect.


You're absolutely right; I must have must have felt bitchy that day. Or else there was a full moon. Or some random unknown variation of kryptonite that affects only my species. Regardless, it was a stupid and petty thing to say for which I stand corrected.

Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show I should really just relax." - ecMtsST3K


You're absolutely right; I must have must have felt bitchy that day. Or else there was a full moon. Or some random unknown variation of kryptonite that affects only my species. Regardless, it was a stupid and petty thing to say for which I stand corrected.

Just repeat to yourself "It's just a show I should really just relax." - MST3K
