MovieChat Forums > Wer (2014) Discussion > Shard of glass + eyeball = NO PROBLEM!

Shard of glass + eyeball = NO PROBLEM!

Why would he run that broken glass along his eye just to test it?
Sure let's risk the eye for a test that may turn out negative.



It's a cheap reference/rip off of Un Chien Andalou.



that scene was when I first got really pissed off at the movie for how cheap the effects looked! after that was when I started noticing the cheap digital blood everywhere and it just went downhill from there....such a disappointment of a movie....


1. I think that was supposed to show his desperation. sure he was an idiot who didn't get an obviously infected scratch (which of course turned out to be a bite) checked out, but by that point he'd become worried about what the infection was and what would happen to him. desperate enough to even risk slicing his eyeball

3. again I'm assuming, but I think this was supposed to show an increased tolerance to pain as a part of his condition

I don't care, I'm still free. You can't take the sky from me...


Haha, that was the one thong I had a problem with. I once had a corneal abrasion, and it was just about the most painful thing that ever happened to me. Aside from that, I though the movie was fantastic.
