
Caught this film in Netflix. The "fun" and "quirky" and "a bit loony" side story about the dude's Snapple addiction was so pointless that I had to stop. Why include that? (I realise it's because of the words in scare quotes, but all that in itself is just so epitomically cliched that it kills living things.)


thats was like a 30 second scene wasnt it? Very strange reason to stop watching something


I stopped at the second Snapple scene, don't know if there were more (I guessed it was going to be a - or the - running gag of the film). I didn't time them, but their mere existence just killed the mood for me. Maybe it was a strange reason, but people do strange things, me very much included.


It barely took up five minutes of screen time if that. The point was culture shock between a large northern city and small southern towns, and to express his personality. A big part of the movie was developing the personal details and tastes of the participants. When I can't find a product I like for a long time it gets on my nerves, too. I probably wouldn't rant loudly about it, but there wouldn't be a camera aimed at me either.


That's the "I got a speck of dirt on my shoe so I have to throw both shoes away" mentality.


Well, you're throwing out the baby with the bath water, but i would guess it's because they want to seem as American as possible. And they are. They're American.

But I think they're missing the point. I don't think cafeteria catholics are a huge problem, i think gun hording fundies are the problem. And I don't think reasonable Americans think American muslims are a problem. They won't riot in the streets if I burn a koran. They're not hardcore.
