Awful voice for Lois

I have no problem with that actress, but her voice was throwing me off the movie every time I heard it. It was so rough and tough sounding, is Lois smoking a pack a day?


I thought her voice was spot-on!

"It is well that war is so terrible -- lest we should grow too fond of it."


This was BY FAR my favorite voicing of Lois Lane since Margot Kidder in the original Superman movies.

Maybe that has something to do with my generation: I grew up with Margot Kidder as Lois Lane -- and Margot had a pack-a-day gravelly voice, which I always thought worked well for a smart, scrappy, confident journalist like Lois.

I think Pauley Perrette is the closest to sounding like that, and I enjoyed it very much.


I liked the voice
