MovieChat Forums > Superman vs. The Elite (2012) Discussion > Superman could legally kill in some circ...

Superman could legally kill in some circumstances

He keeps talking about how he can't kill because of the law or whatever, but I'm pretty sure it's legal to kill someone in self- defense or if they are about to kill someone else. It would have been well within the law for him to have killed Dr. Light as he was on his rampage. And why the government never executes repeat mass murderers in the comic book universe boggles my mind.


It's one thing to kill in self defense but it's another to become an executioner. Superman doesn't want to become that. He doesn't want to decide who dies.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


I actually think NOT killing a complete monster like Atomic Skull to be a cowardly and incredibly irresponsible decision. I would consider Superman to be partially responsible for the murders the Atomic Skull committed after escaping from the prison.


That's like blaming cops for not killing suspects who escape and kill more people.

Let's put the blame on the killers and not pass it around.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.


When escape is as predictable as it is in comic book universes and the people are as lethal as Atomic Skull, I think it is more like not killing a rabid dog. Superman seemed to be bothered a lot more by Atomic Skull's death than anyone of the people he killed.


Except, we saw what happens when the "hero" becomes an executioner. He started targeting political leaders, throwing whole countries into further chaos.

Superman was bothered because the people cheered on a public execution. Something that's been outlawed for over a century.

Superman has never stood against the death penalty. If it's reached through due process. But he is not for blowing someone's head off on national tv.

Straightedge means I'm better than you.
