The Elite VS The Authority?

Was it just me or did anyone else pickup on the strange list of similarities between The Elite and The Authority? I didn't think it was too obvious until they showed the giant city-sized inter-dimensional carrier that could teleport the team everywhere. The Hat character was mostly what was making me think of The Authority up until that point. Anyone else feel the same way?


Yes, The Elite are definitely based off The Authority and that was intentional by writer Joe Kelly who wrote the story the movie was based on.

You want me to put the hammer down?!


At the time the original comic was written, anti-heroes were considered the new thing with guys like Superman on the way out.

We are eagles of one nest, The nest is in our soul


And Joe Kelly more or less simply said (supposedly); "Alright then but what if Superman brought into what these extreme new violent superheroes were selling, what would he be like then?"

Which is why issue #775 of Action Comics; "What's So Funny About Truth, Justice & the American Way?" is a brilliant story thats considered one of the greatest Superman stories of all time by many critics.


I'm busy playing KOF 13.



From the comic of the same name.

What's kinda funny is that some of the Authority was actually analogues of Justice League characters... Apollo -> Superman, Midnighter -> Batman. So this is an interesting reversal.


The Doctor being a junkie and The Hat being a pisshead is another giveaway.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


This is exactly what I thought. I mean the union jack shirt was also a big giveaway.


They're a weird mix of the Authority, really.

Jenny Sparks + Jack Hawksmoor = Manchester Black
Swift + Engineer + Rose Tattoo = Menagerie
The Doctor = The Hat
Flint + Jenny Sparks = Coldcast

But that's just me.


Are there any films on "The Authority"? I really want to see some stuff on this. I never heard of them before so don't know where to look.

Check My Guitar Video here :


Nope not yet, perhaps one day though!


30 seconds of Ring Of Honor is better than 3 hours of WWE RAW


I know I'm late the the party but I suggest you buy the graphic novels on the Authority, great stuff particularly the ones written by Warren Ellis.
