MovieChat Forums > Superman vs. The Elite (2012) Discussion > What the hell is going on with the 'Brit...

What the hell is going on with the 'British' accent...?!

Half the time it switched to a mix between English and Scottish...

Then they dropped wankers / bastards in the mix LOL.

... You'll never hit me with a bullet that slow...!



The movie overall i thought was very well put together. Liked the dark tone to it all.

You'll never hit me with a bullet that slow...


You guys do know that the guy who voiced him was actually born in London England and that was his real accent.


I live 90minutes north of London city. That guys accent was not his actuall accent. If it were then he's obviously a time traveller and has come via the 1805!

Only the sevierely disabled would speak like that. Fact.

You'll never hit me with a bullet that slow...


All the English accents were just wrong, not just a bit wrong but some were so bad that it was kinda painful to listen to. Thank god only a small part of it was set here .


I concur! Lol

You'll never hit me with a bullet that slow...


That doesn't mean that he speaks all British dialects (there is more than one of those). I'm German, but if I tried to do a Bavarian or Hessian dialect, it would sound totally fake.



i'm 30 mins into this film and i came here to see if there was a thread about the british accents. they are all over the place. we have black's dad with a cockney accent, whereas his son has a manc one. fair enough, dad could have moved up north before he had the kids. but why does young vera have a cockney accent when her brother has a northern one? and then in the alleyway scene between adult vera and lois, vera has a hybrid cockney/i don't know sort of northern accent? eh?

tbh, i have never heard anyone from manchester talk like manchester black.

it's all very distracting.

on a slight tangent, lois' voice is very annoying. bring back dana delany!

before we get started, does anyone want to get out?


Manchester Black is actually supposed to have a Mancunian accent? Dear lord in heaven they failed badly in that case. I thought it was just a character making an evil English guy so picked out a city at random, he sounds nothing like a Manc.


If you think that's a London accent, you are very mistaken.


Listening to that character speak was off-putting. That made it hard for me to watch the movie.

On a related note, I came to imdb to see if it was Craig Ferguson.


Apparently the actor was born here in London. They probably should have got a proper Northerner to play Black, it would have sounded more natural.

"Why do you say this to me when you know I will kill you for it?"


LOL....that was boring


I'm from Britain and the voice annoyed me because it seemed like they were constantly trying to remind us that he was British. It was too exaggerated, nobody talks like that here.
