The Title

Is it just me that think the Title lootera just revealed most of plot , Especially the theft seen , I think if it wasnt the title would have prooved a better twist.

Movie was good but dragged a little during the climax


Agreed. Lootera title was a give away. However, I am surprised you found the climax long winded. I think the climax was extremely well shot with amazing performances by the actors.


The story is a love story. Not a N. Night Shymalamadindong party.

'What a twist!'


Every movie must be engaging the characters in the movie seem surprised by the theft and Ranveers Reveal. So a live movie must engage the audience too just like the characters . I think if the title was not Lootera we could have njoyed the twist more , Oh yeah Bro the theft scene is a major Plot twist in the movie


Title is apt


well said..
i also hate trailers which gives too much of plot like this one..
another ludicrous example is 'The Call' (2013)


SPOILERS (just in case)

I don't think the reveal that he is a thief is supposed to be that surprising; the way Varun and Debdas were acting was suspicious from the beginning. Plus the word thief can have different meanings. Pakhi stole his heart and took away his livelihood of being a thief. The government was taking away the Zamindar's rights and assets.

"It's hard for me to watch American Idol because I have perfect pitch."
-Jenna, 30 Rock


Bravo @manu5689! I also had no problem with the title, I don't find myself thinking of such things while I'm watching the movie and reflecting on it after the movie does not create a problem. However, your examples are excellent to show the amount of larceny going on in the story! Especially the government's action against the landowners. I'm usually in full support of the "little guy" or others who need help and usually feel the "big guys" get what's coming to them, but I have to admit that I really did feel sorry for Zamindar when the government employees were looting so many of his assets.If the government goes overboard with such decisions (especially if the politicians aren't deprived of their ill gotten gains), then all they've done is to create a brand new class of deprived citizens. Especially in this case, if the landowners were to show where they took the extra steps to support their tenants, they should be allowed to use that as deductions. Some (many) landowners will hang on to every penny they get, but are not generous to help tenants with educating their children or paying for medical bills, etc. Those who do behave as generous citizens should get something more than just a pat on the back.

Anywho, thanks for bringing up those examples - well done. Also, the only way that I usually know what the titles actually mean is if I look them up online. I'm studying Hindi, but with my disabilities, it's not coming along as fast as I'd like . . . So, American citizens who don't speak Hindi, probably don't pick up many hints from the titles - although, this was an interesting question to post!

Shauna & Ms. Phoebe, my God-given Happy Pill
