Military option...

Does Denmark not have any military forces capable of dealing with situations like this? They never even discussed the possibility of launching a raid.

I found it interesting/sad that we are supposed to be rooting for them to be paying ransom rather than being rescued. And paying ransom is the entire reason that the piracy continues to exist.

You did just fine, Clarence. Now go git yo'self some hot cornbread!


And paying ransom is the entire reason that the piracy continues to exist.

One of many reasons why the US Navy didn't let the bastards get away with taking an American ship. If you feed it, it will grow, if you shoot it, it will die. I still remember well watching that event on the news. Made me proud. I was so glad that my country wouldn't take that sitting down. I imagine the money spent by the Navy to properly resolve that situation, was far in excess of what would have been spent on a ransom. It wasn't about money. It was about decency, and about respect for peaceful commerce. Pirate scum dead, American sailors alive and largely unharmed. Bet they'll think twice about taking an American ship again.

I would have loved to see the look on the investors faces when they realized they'd flushed the money down their non-existent toilets. Oh, the laughter. Probably something like the American taxpayer felt when we found out Solyndra fell on its ass and cost us $500 Billion. Guess I shouldn't laugh too hard. *beep* Obama.

In Kapringen, I'm rather glad they didn't broach that subject. It was a fine film the way it was. Adding a military aspect would have cluttered it up in my opinion. I liked the idea of keeping the focus on the crew, and on the monetary negotiations, and on the fishing.


Not every nation is quite as willing as the U.S. to spend money for the benifit of a multi-national corporation, plus the Pirates who hijacked the Alabama made it easy for a military rescue when they took off in the life boat, had they stayed on the Alabama it would have been almost impossible to carry out a raid without getting one or more of the hostages killed.

had the pirates followed their standard plan and stayed on the Alabama Maersk would have paid the ransom


Denmark does indeed have vessels and forces capable of dealing with pirates, and have captured or killed Somali pirates and rescued hostages on a number of occasions. Try googling HDMS Absalon.
I'm sure there are many reasons why a military option isn't always the best option, but it would have been nice if it had at least been discussed in the film.


"Absalon was involved in the capture of 10 pirates, who were eventually set free"

Sure showed them.


There is a simple solution ... blockade the entire coast of Somalia using ships from every nation that does business in the region. Nothing comes in or out of the coast without being inspected. It is much easier to blockade one coast than to patrol the entire ocean.

I am sure there is a reason this is not being done, but I have no idea what that reason might be.


Paying the ransom is good for the company and the workers of that particular ship, but it's bad for the country (as it's an embarrassment) and it's bad for the future companies and workers who needlessly get captured. That's why the countries needs to have aggressive and serious laws against paying off ransoms including civil and criminal penalties for executives at these companies who give the OK for the ransoms. The conversation should go something like this:

Omar:"Alright, so what's your offer now."
Federal Agent: "20 years."
"Wait? What? Who is this."
"You are wearing a blue shirt, your coordinates are xyz, you are surrounded by drones, ships and snipers. Surrender yourself and your crew, drop your weapons in the ocean, and we'll take you back to our country where we'll recommend a 20 year sentence to the jury. Otherwise, you will be executed at the end of this conversation. If you cooperate, and lead to the capture of and provide testimony against all of the bosses that you have worked with, we may recommend a 15 year sentence."


It would cost to much money

And tie up military resources.

