Is this a sequel?

Is this a sequel, or to be considered as part of the Amityville horror series?


from imdb

'This follows the trend of another movie in the unofficial "Amityville Series" making reference to the real life case of Ronald DeFeo Jr. in title only. As none of the the movies in the "Amityville Series" have anything to do with each other apart from the title (Excluding the remake of the the original) this can be seen as a continuation of the series depending on whether you class them as a series or not.'


This follows the trend of another movie in the unofficial "Amityville Series" making reference to the real life case of Ronald DeFeo Jr. in title only.

That's not quite true. One major plot point in the movie is that the asylum was built on the land where the original Amityville house used to be. The main character also does some research into the DeFeo case. However, the connection is still rather loose.


The Amityville Horror (1979), Amityville II: The Possession (1982), and Amityville III: The Demon (1983) can certainly be viewed as being chronological and connected, although II actually shows events before I, and III (which is the first to really not be connected to "real" events) keeps II's storyline going. So they definitely do go together, and honestly, I found II to be the scariest. If people lavish praise on 'The Conjuring' (rightly so), they really must also lavish praise on 'Amityville II: The Possession', which did it all first, and better.

From there it all goes significantly downhill, and the movies are completely disconnected. You've got Amityville 4: The Evil Escapes (1989), The Amityville Curse (1990), Amityville: It's About Time (1992), Amityville Dollhouse (1996).

Also the remake in 2005 and The Amityville Haunting in 2011, which tried the whole found-footage thing.

'My Amityville Horror' which just came out this year (2013) is a documentary about the youngest DeFeo kid (one of the survivors of the original Amityville Horror story). It's good, but it's not a horror movie, and leaves viewers wondering if this is really about paranormal activity or mental illness.

Haven't seen this one yet, my guess is that it can be added to the middle batch of 'ugh' movies only tied to the original story in name.


1) Danny is the oldest child of Kathy Lutz.

2) The only member of the Defeo family that is alive is Ronald Defeo the rest were murdered by him


High Hopes was on the sign in front of the house.



I really don't know what this is.

Bruce Lee was real. Batman was never real.

