A-Mitty-Ville ??

I cannot believe they have the 2 girls pronouncing the town name wrong.
Have the writers / director not seen any of the films???

The friend pronounces it Uh-Mitty-Ville like Uh-Pitty-Ville. How can they not know it's Amity as in friendship and peaceful harmony? Amity-Ville.

Then the main girl later says Amty-Ville (leaves out the letter I in Amity). Then says 112 Oceans Ave. instead of the singular Ocean Ave. Does she have bad listening comprehension skills?

Oh my god people. It especially annoys me because I live the next town over.



Completely ridiculous that the director allowed or wanted that. It can't be an infringement thing because Amityville is a real town. No law against using it's name.

