MovieChat Forums > Zero Hour (2013) Discussion > It may have gotten better

It may have gotten better

Look, the pilot was problematic but interesting, I thought. The 2nd episode was a disaster and I didn't watch the 3rd (something messed up with my DVR). But these kinds of shows need to be given a chance. I've read attacks on Defying Gravity from Zero Hour posters, but I can almost guarantee that they didn't watch all 13 episodes of that show. True, it started out with too much soap - a "Grey's Anatomy" in space, but it developed into a solid scifi story, towards the end. The second to last episode, in particular (when Zoe walks on Venus) was nothing short of riveting. And when I read where the creator of the show wanted to take it, I was furious, because I believe it would have become a great show, where scifi was stressed and the soap component made a very minor part of it. Who knows what would have happened with Zero Hour - but 3 episodes and done? Come on!


Zero Hour was nowhere near as bad as the haters on this board claim. It was a very fast paced show, which is not to be confused with shows like Homeland where a lot of stuff happens quickly, but it's not fast paced. Zero Hour was easily the "fastest" hour of television I watch all week. I think it should have been limited to a miniseries based on how quickly they were progressing, but they must not have shot it that way.



Networks aren't really interested in miniseries anymore. They want a cash cow they can keep milking, but that time slot has been doing nothing but generating long winded miniseries, as of the last three shows that have been in the slot (Missing, Lost Resort, and Zero Hour).


Missing and Zero Hour were complete trash......and Last Resort, while MUCH better than the other two, was still a disappointment, so perhaps if they put something that was actually GOOD in that slot it would pull a few more viewers........


Missing was okay, but I think kidnapping premises are tough to pull off over the long run (a problem the writers of The Following are already running into). It really isn't good for more than a short-term premise before the protagonists begin to look stupid and the audience gets restless. Zero Hour had that problem, too, but at least there was a lot more going on, so that it could have been resolved relatively early, once another motive was established for Hank to keep looking for the clocks.

Last Resort was absolutely terrible. I couldn't even make it through the pilot. It felt like Gilligan's Island-meets-Crimson Tide.

I do think that slot, especially for a midseason show, is a killer for any ABC show.

Innsmouth Free Press


See I thought Last Resort was ok........and that Missing was the most ridiculous, atrocious thing I had seen on network TV....that is, until Zero Hour crapped the bed and topped it this season. And though Last Resort was ok, it certainly wasn't gripping TV by any means. Perhaps if they actually get a QUALITY show in that time slot it won't be such a killer.

No offense on the Missing thing (or ZH for that matter), but geez....if that's your idea of acceptable network TV you really need higher standards. I'm a big serial fan as well and will support some pretty questionable stuff just because it's a serial or sci-fi or whatever the case may be......but those two shows (dumpster fires) were too much for even me to stomach, LoL........


Then you and I obviously have different tastes because I thought the actors playing the military characters in Last Resort were not even remotely believable, the island characters were obnoxious losers, and it was quite clear whoever wrote the pilot had not bothered to do a tenth of the research necessary for suspension of disbelief about the frankly ridiculous premise. If the writer can't be bothered, neither can I.

As for the idea that it's okay for all of the above to occur if it's science fiction, sorry, but I prefer science fiction that doesn't suck and where the realistic elements actually make sense. At the very least, give me some fast action and characters to like.

I notice you're not bothering to come up with any reasons for why you hated Missing and Zero Hour, so I'm just going to be kind and chalk this up to different tastes, rather than judge you right back for enjoying something like Last Resort that I consider a piece of crap. Because really, it doesn't bother me in the least that you enjoyed it. Good for you. I just don't see why you're on *this* board, complaining that it should have survived instead of Zero Hour. Not only were the two shows' fates not dependent on each other, but I enjoyed Zero Hour a hell of a lot more than Last Resort. So, I don't see the point of your slagging off both the show and anybody who liked it.

Innsmouth Free Press


I've been on these boards on various other threads explaining the many faults of ZH.........and didn't really feel the need to rehash them as they are quite obvious. I also never said I LIKED Last Resort nor that it should have survived. Nor did I ever imply that it was somehow cancelled DUE to ZH. I DID say the quality and writing were better than ZH and Missing, but I stated that ABC should put something GOOD in this slot if they want it to succeed, so obviously I don't consider Last Resort to be the pinnacle of TV either, and blatantly said so. Stating the quality of a show is better than ZH or Missing isn't saying much for it.......

As I said, I meant no offense. I admitted I also support some pretty questionable stuff because I like sci-fi and serials so much. I'm not sure why you got so upset, but you obviously didn't really READ my post or terribly misunderstood it somehow. I was in no way "slagging off" those who liked the show. I simply stated we should demand more from network TV as the two shows I mentioned were complete insults to our intelligence.......and Last Resort, while at least being WATCHABLE imo, wasn't a whole lot better.

I'm curious how you knock LR for being ridiculous and not making sense, then applaud ZH of all things.

Anyhow, it's ironic you took such offense to my post, since it would appear we are kindred spirits........both supporting serial drama and sci-fi even when the quality is questionable.........and both big HP Lovecraft fans......


How do you pull a show after THREE episodes? What a joke.


The real question is how you greelight a disaster like this in the first place. They obviously had no confidence in it, so why even pick up the pilot.....let alone air 3 eps?


For network TV it was a solid premise (I'm not saying it was, it just was for network TV), and the show had good production value, regardless of what you say. It was a super simple pick up, based on that, but they should have known that the audience doesn't care about shows like this after how much of a disaster last season's Missing was.

That's an awful time slot, much like 10pm on Thursdays on NBC. Some slots are just show killers, and Thursday at 8pm on ABC is one of them. They haven't had a successful show there in quite awhile.


I agree. They will replace with another FIXED reality show. Wtf. When will reality shows just die??? No writers r needed that's why. Sick of reality shows!!! I'm living in one. I want entertainment


I liked this show. More importantly to the television reps, my 15 year old son like it. It was moving right along and putting the story line together. It was getting more and more interesting.

Then poof, cancelled.

This is exactly why I stopped watching network television. Or any new shows in general.

I must be gone and live, or stay and die...
